Wild Amphibia is a series of Amphibia shorts on Disney Channel's YouTube channel that premiered on November 13, 2019 and ended on December 4, 2019. It features Soggy Joe introducing the viewer to a variety of strange creatures found in Amphibia.
It uses scenes from Season 1 episodes to make a new short.
List of shorts[]
Short # | Title | Release | Focused creature |
1 | "Rhino Beetle" | November 13, 2019 | Rhino Beetle |
2 | "Killer Tomatoes" | November 20, 2019 | Carnivorous tomato plant |
3 | "Kitty" | November 27, 2019 | Kill-a-moth (Domino 2) |
4 | "Praying Mantis" | December 4, 2019 | Red mantis |
- At the end of each short, Soggy Joe commercials appear promoting various things.
- In "Rhino Beetle", he promotes his new channel called "Soggy Soups & Salads".
- In "Killer Tomatoes", he promotes a pillow called "Soothing Sounds".
- In "Kitty", he promotes his other channel called "Unsoggy Unboxing".
- In "Praying Mantis", he promotes his upcoming recital at Dirk's house.