(Episode starts at the Boonchuy residence. The Boonchuys and the Plantars are having breakfast.)
(As she watches Anne pouring her orange juice) Woooow... (swallows the whole glass of juice full)
Mrs. Boonchuy
(with some scrambled eggs in a pan freshly served) Would anyone like eggs?
Yes, please.
Hop Pop
Why, yes. Thank you. (Mrs. Boonchuy serves eggs to him. He tried them and likes them) Mmm... These are egg-cellent, Mrs. Boonchuy.
Yes. Thank you for the delicious food.
Mrs. Boonchuy
Oh, you're very welcome.
He-Heeey! (with his tongue, he swings by a lamp and reaches the dining room) Good morning, fam-fam! (looks at the eggs) Oooh... Eggs! (with his tongue, he eats them quickly in the pan)
(Mrs. Boonchuy tries to control herself.)
Mmm... These could use a little something. Got any hot sauce?
Mrs. Boonchuy
Sure. I'll get--
(Interrupts her) Woo-hoo! (jumps into the fridge, opens it and climbs through the door) Don't worry, Mrs. B. I got it.
(Sprig takes out everything in the fridge. Mrs. Boonchuy is about to lose her patience. Sprig finds the hot sauce.)
(Sprig quickly drinks the hot sauce straight from the bottle. Then he makes an "aaaah...", but then burps causing a flame to come out towards a plate with remains. Mrs. Boonchuy puts it out with the frying pan, and afterward, she looks at Anne with a look of anger. Anne plays innocent while she blushes and sweats a bit. Mrs. Boonchuy goes to another part of the house.)
Sprig, can (grabs him and takes him to the table) we chat? Dude, what are you doing?
What do you mean?
Hop Pop
Sprig Plantar, you're a guest in the Boonchuy's home. For frog's sake, behave like one.
Ha! Silly Hop Pop. We aren't guests, (makes an adorable face) we're family.
Hop Pop
(points at him) No! We're not! Just because Anne is a Plantar, doesn't automatically make you a Boonchuy.
Doesn't it though? I mean, the math checks out.
(puts her left foot on the table and points at him) You're NOT a part of Anne's family!
(makes a sorry face) Oh... Anne, is that true?
Don't worry about it, man. Being a guest around here is so much better. Being family just means chores, reponsibilities and getting yelled at when you mess up.
I, for one, like being waited on hand and foot, and I should know. (sits down and puts her feet on the table) I have feet now.
Sorry, guys. I just always wanted a bigger family and I guess I got a little carried away.
Been there.
Hey, no problem.
Hop Pop
You course corrected.
Mrs. Boonchuy
Anne, come on. We had a lot of work to do in the restaurant.
Well, that's me. See you guys when I get back. (She leaves to join her mom.)
Oh, wait! (jumps and stops her) Can I come with you? I'd like to make up for how rude I was this morning.
I guess that'd be fine. (Sprig rejoices) Hop Pop, Polly, try to research some portals and junk while we're going.
Hop Pop
(While Polly gives him a thumbs up) You got it.
(Sprig hops on Anne's back, carrying him to walk off. Anne and Sprig go to the restaurant with Mrs. Boonchuy.)
So, are we watching (shows him the options) Starzgate or Quantum Hop?
Hop Pop
Quantum Hop! Quantum Hop!
(At the restaurant, Anne and her parents prepare, cook and clean everything to start working hours. Sprig is excited.)
(While he's jumping) How can I help? How can I help? How can I help?
Mrs. Boonchuy
(While she is cutting a lettuce) Don't worry about it, pink frog. You're our guest. (hands him a plastic cup of Thai ice tea) Why don't you sit in the corner with a Thai ice tea?
(After receiving the cup and sitting down) Ugh... I hate being a stupid guest. I wanna be (plays with the straw) family.
(Sprig looks at Anne and Mr. Boonchuy. Mr. Boonchuy takes out a seed and throws it at Anne and she manages to catch it in her mouth.)
Mr. Boonchuy
Yes! (Anne laughs)
(Sprig grieves and drinks the Thai ice tea reluctantly.)
(A bell is heard, a signal that indicates that a customer has arrived.)
Mrs. Boonchuy
Whoops. Sounds like we've got a customer.
Heh? (puts on his mask)
(The Boonchuys and Sprig are going to receive that client, but it turns out it's a guy named Ned, an acquaintance of the Boonchuys.)
What's happening, Boonchuys? Hehehe... Anne! Whoa! I thought you were dead.
(While Sprig comes) Ned! (shows him some pictures of Ned) Check it out, Sprig. This guy's our number one customer. He's been around for years.
Oh! And I'm not just a customer anyone, Anne.
Wait, what?
I brought a food truck. I wanna bring your mom's amazing cooking to all of L.A. She puts the pow in pad kra pao!
Oh, nead. You guys are in business together?
Well... no. Not yeeet.
Mrs. Boonchuy
(sighs) I already told you. We're just not interested in a food truck.
But you've got the best Thai food in the country and if we partnered up, we could make so much money together. Couldn't you just share some of your recipes with me?
Mrs. Boonchuy
Absolutely not. This recipe are for family only.
Well... when you changed your mind, you know where to find me.
(Ned leaves the restaurant directly to his, which happens to be stationed in front.)
Wow... He's literally parked right outside the restaurant. That can't be good.
Mrs. Boonchuy
It's not, customers are very confused right now.
(A man appears and is deciding which restaurant to go to, but he sees that they are both identical.)
Man 1
Huh? HUH? I-- I don't-- What do I do? WHAT DO I DO? (sobs on the floor)
Mrs. Boonchuy
(sighs) He means well but Ned just doesn't realize he's hurting the business. It's been weeks and he still hasn't budged. Oh well. (goes back to the kitchen) I better start the khao pad.
(after takes off his mask) Mmm... Tough problem, huh? Why, if someone were to solve it, your mom might consider him the son she never had.
Sprig, stay out of this.
OK OK... Sheesh. It was just a thought.
(Anne returns to the kitchen. But Sprig leaves the restaurant since he has a plan. Meanwhile, Ned places an order with a customer.)
Here you go. (the customer leaves and their food is served) Next!
(clears his throat) (has a different costume)
Oh... Hi, kid. What'll it be?
(clears his throat) (imitates a different voice) Give me the special.
Sure thing. (while serving the special) Two eggs rolls and a bowl of Pai Thai coming up.
(receives the special and when he eats it he begins to make a dramatic scene) Oh my frog! This food... it's turned me... (takes out his jacket and shows them his chest) PIIIIIINK!
Customer 2
(Gasps along with a customer) Hey, I wouldn't mind being pink.
Customer 2
Maybe it will help me with my next Star Trip audition. (talks to Ned) Excuse me, I'll have whatever he had.
Sure thing.
What? You fools! That was a lie. You're all morons.
(All three customers gasp.)
Customer 1
Who you calling a moron? (serves his food)
(Back at the restaurant, Anne and Mrs. Boonchuy are cleaning it up, but then they hear Sprig fighting with the three customers.)
Morons! Morons! Morons!
Morons! Morons!
(Anne and Mrs. Boonchuy angrily grab Sprig by their arms and carry him back to the restaurant.)
Oh hey. While you're in there, could you grab those recipes?
(Anne and Mrs. Boonchuy close the door.)
(Mrs. Boonchuy puts Sprig on the counter. She makes annoying noises and starts scolding Anne.)
Mrs. Boonchuy
Anne, this behavior is unacceptable. I'm doubling your chores. Don't let it happen again. (returns to the kitchen)
Wait. Why'd she yell at you for something I did?
(while she collects some silverware already served) She's not about to yell at a guest, Sprig. She only yells at family.
(with a sorry face) Ouch, Anne. Thanks for rubbing it in.
Look, Sprig, I know what you're doing here and I get why, but please stop or I'll be cleaning the bathroom with a toothbrush for the rest of my life. (goes to the kitchen, but stops a moment) Just knock it off, OK? (goes to the kitchen)
Heh... Knock it off or knock it (points at Ned) ON?
(peeks through the entrance) I heard that!
(runs away) NO, YOU DIDN'T IT!
(Later that night, Sprig in his usual suit sneaks into Ned's truck, while he is wearing headphones at full volume while cleaning. Sprig leaves him a note and snaps at him for attention. He reads the note and begins to rejoice.)
OH yes! YES! YES! FINALLY! NED'S GONNA GET AHEAD, BABY! (gets out of his food truck and into the restaurant)
(Sprig walks into the food truck and takes a toothpick.)
And now to destroy an earth man's livelihood. (takes more toothpicks and puts them in his mouth, but then spits them out)
(Meanwhile, Anne goes out to dump a garbage bag, but then she sees Sprig what he does and she drops the garbage bag.)
(worried) Oh, no...
Sprig Boonchuy in (while he puts his index finger) 3, 2, 1...
(intercepts him) No, Sprig! Bad Sprig! What are you doing?
Squirming my way into your mom's heart by making this food truck (with an evil face) disappear. (presses all the buttons at random)
(furious) Not on MY watch.
(Anne enters the food truck through the window and grabs Sprig with all her strength, but he tries to free himself. But inadvertently, Sprig flips the drive lever and the food truck begins to move forward.)
(Meanwhile, back at the restaurant...)
Mrs. Boonchuy
Ned, I don't have time for this nonsense.
Um... (shows her the note) but your note said--
Mrs. Boonchuy
Note? (takes the note) What note?
(Mrs. Boonchuy reads the note, which says: "Neddy, come to my restaurant right away. Let's discuss my recipes. Mrs. B.")
Mrs. Boonchuy
Wait... "Mrs. B."? (grumbles) (furious) PINK FROOOOOOOOOG!
(Mrs. Boonchuy and Ned notice that the food truck is going thanks to Anne and Sprig. They get upset and leave the restaurant in a hurry.)
(worried) (together with Mrs. Boonchuy) MY FOOD TRUCK!
Mrs. Boonchuy
(worried) (together with Ned) YOUR FOOD TRUCK!
(Anne and Sprig continue fighting, but when they turn the tipper by mistake and feel a little jump, they notice that the food truck is moving forward in a hurry.)
(While Sprig screams) HOLY CRAB APPLES!
When did we start moving?
(sits in the driver's seat and fastens her seat belt) OK. I've never driven a car but but I have driven Bessie and and played 900 hours of Super Wahoo Carts.
(points to a tree) ANNE, LOOK OUT!
(Anne turns left to avoid the tree. She starts to get nervous.)
Uh-- Uh-- Brakes! Gotta mash the brakes! (puts on the brakes but it doesn't work) (desperate) The brakes aren't working! (looks at a note taped above, which says, "Ned, You rascal, don't forget to fix the breaks. Ned") NEEEEEED!
It's OK, Anne. I've got this. (tries to break the truck's mp3 device) Whoa, girl. Whoa!
DUDE, THAT ONLY WORKS ON SNAILS! (Sprig is released from the truck's mp3 player)
(Anne sees a pile of garbage and along with Sprig, they scream. Fortunately, she was able to get through that pile and they are relieved, but then she sees another obstacle.)
(While Sprig screams) OOOH NOOOO!
(Anne and Sprig run into another obstacle, which turns out to be a turtle hiding from its shell upon seeing them. Anne and Sprig come back up in the air.)
(Two men are shown passing a giant TV while they meet outside on their balconies.)
Thanks for letting me borrow your TV.
Man 2
Just be careful. This thing is like a son for me.
(The food truck goes straight through the TV, causing it to break.)
Man 2
(The food truck returns to the ground and is about to go through a skate park. Anne got an idea.)
Idea. Sprig, I need your help. Use that tougue and help me make a hard left.
Got it.
(Sprig jumps over Anne, sticks his tongue out, and holds onto a pole. Anne grabs it and manages to turn the truck towards the skate park. A woman sees what happened.)
(A group of skateboarders do their thing, but they walk away when they see the truck. They pass through 4 pools, while Anne and Sprig are screaming and the skateboarders cheer and record them. The truck skids on a sidewalk and goes down a ramp with Loop and manages to end up on the ground without moving further, although it has been broken in many places.)
(Anne and Sprig are shown paralyzed.)
I don't believe it.
Anne and Sprig
(Mrs. Boonchuy and Ned open the door and look annoyed.)
Mrs. Boonchuy
I don't believe this.
Me either. (talks to Mrs. Boonchuy) You send your daughter to destroy my truck? What? Are you people insane?
(gets out of the truck after putting on his costume) Anne had NOTHING to do with this, it was ALL me. I was just-- (looks at Mrs. Boonchuy, sighs and takes off his hat for a moment) I just wanted to be a part of the family but I should've respected your boundaries instead of pestering you into someting you didn't want.
Mrs. Boonchuy
(walks over to Sprig, gets on her knees and sighs) It's OK, pink frog... I mean, Sprig. I know how much you mean to my daughter (As Anne gets out of the truck) and how much she means to you. (Anne puts on a content face) I probably shouldn't have treated you like such an outsider.
(starts sobbing) I feel like and outsider too. I love your restaurant so much. I just wanted to be a part of it but-- but I was wrong. (falls to the ground and sobs more) I'm so sorry... I'm done trying to get your recipes... I just realized this is a gross appropriation of your culture (is crawling away) and I should just show myself out.
Mrs. Boonchuy
(sighs) Ned, look. (stands up) I can't give you the recipes because they are for family only but... we could use some help with deliveries.
(stands up) D-- Deliver? (dries his tears) Me?
Mrs. Boonchuy
I mean, it won't pay much but you will be part of the restaurant.
Yes! I'd love to. Oh, you will not regret it, Mrs. Boonchuy. Not for a second. (rejoices as he goes to his food truck) Whoo-hoo! Yay! I'll make you guys proud! (he's leaving) Oh, man. I got to get these brakes fixed.
(Takes off his mask and wipes his hands) Welp, I guess we're all done here. (is leaving)
Mrs. Boonchuy
(grabs him from the cap of his vest) Not so fast. (picks him from his vest cap) If you think you're getting ot of here without an earful, you've got another thing coming. Firstly, how dare you disobey me? Secondly, how dare you put Anne and yourself in danger? Thirdly, why are you smiling?
(with a puppy face) You're-- You're scolding me. Which means...
(hits him on his right arm) Yep. You're family now, bud.
(Rejoices and hugs her) YAAAAY!
Mrs. Boonchuy
Already having second thoughts about this.