(The episode begins with the final part of an animated superhero movie.)
In the name of justice, your reign of terror is over, Bufferfish!
Why fight me, Tarantulad, when you should join me!
Like me, you'll never be accepted by this world.
If that is my fate, then SO BE IT!!!
(Fight scene between Bufferfish and Tarantulad occurs, Tarantulad punches Bufferfish after dodging his attacks.)
You will never be loved.
(Bufferfish explodes, Tarantulad gets blown off a building and smashes into the ground, leaving a small crater. His mask falls, The whole city can see his face. The crowd gasps.)
Blonde Man
All this time...
City Woman
He's a monster!
(approaches) I don't care what you are, to me, you're a hero!
(Crowd applause.)
Mother, Father, I finally found, my home.
(Movie ends, credits play, Sprig and Mr. Boonchuy have tears in their eyes.)
Mr. Boonchuy
And that was "Tarantulad: The World I call home", quite possibly the finest film ever made.
I, I've never seen anything like that! So moving! So, inspiring! (looks out the window and sighs) I wish I could be lovingly embraced by all of humanity.
(Anne shuts the curtains.)
No can do, dude. Low profile, remember?
I know, I know, but it's not fair! You got to make your mark in Amphibia!
That's because in Amphibia, we weren't in hiding.
Ugh, fine.
I still can't believe you actually LIKED that movie! It was stuffed with predictable tropes and lazy writing!
Hop Pop
We have got to cut back on your internet use.
All I'm saying is that you'd have to be pretty dense to think any of that would be possible. First of all, the idea that a vigilante would be given free reign...
(in his thoughts) He was just a mild-mannered frog boy who never made a fuss.
(Scene cuts to the attic.)
But he was destined to be something more.
(Sprig starts climbing the walls and tongue-swinging around the attic.)
Who knows how long he's got left on Earth. But it's time to put his mark on the world and be adored by all!
(Costume-making montage.)
All right Earth, get ready to meet, FROG-MAN!!
Hey Sprig, did you see- (sees Sprig posing dramatically) What are you doing?
I'm fulfilling my destiny as FROG-MAN, your neighborhood superhero!
You mean neighborhood attention-seeker?
(hanging off the ceiling with his tongue) The only thing I seek is justice! Hop-hop, and AWAY!
(Sprig jumps out the window.)
You're never gonna solve systemic societal problems with a sock on your head!
Watch meee! (dog barks)
(Sprig is now on top of a building watching.)
(in his thoughts) Here I am. Guardian of the city. No evil shall escape my gaze.
(Turns out it wasn't a pillar, it was a pigeon mound. Disarming, Sprig falls, but with his tongue, she goes towards another building, loses her balance a bit, but then stabilizes.)
Totally meant to do that. (cover his mouth) And now to search for crime. (sees a man fining some kids selling lemonade)
All right, I'm writing you kids up. You need (pulls out the penalty fee paper as walks around) permit to sell goods on this street. (gives them the penalty fee)
Lemonade seller boy
(groans) Mom's gonna hate this.
Lemonade seller girl
Dude, we're eight.
(After meeting them) What seems to be the problem here?
(chuckles) Who are you? Some kind of masked vigilante?
(points him) Exactly. I am... (takes off his mask and with his tongue forms his nickname) FROG-MAN! RIBBITER OF JUSTICE! (his tongue falls out)
Well, these streets don't need you, 'cause they've got me! Robber Otto, (makes a pose) Neighborhood Safety Supervisor!
Lemonade seller girl
More like Neighborhood Butt Cheek...
Robert Otto
(as approaches Sprig and crouches) Listen, (points him) this neighborhood ain't big enough for the both of us AND I was here first, so get lost!.
Hey, I don't need want to fight you, I only want to fight injustice!
Sprig & Robert Otto
(Hear screams of panic in the distance) Someone's in trouble! (Go to danger. Robert rolling fast and Sprig swinging with his tongue)
Lemonade seller girl
This neighborhood finally hit rock bottom.
(The danger is shown to be a school bus rolling fast and down a hill. The children are in a panic. The driver tries to brake, but the cable is broken. They're just about to hit a traffic jam. But just Robert Otto stands in front of them.)
Robert Otto
It's OK! Your Neighborhood Safety Supervisor IS HERE! (collides with the bus) (talks with the driver) HIT THE BRAKES!
School bus driver
(A woman stops for traffic, but seeing the bus, she panics as the horn honks. Just Sprig reaches the cross above a light.)
Not so fast! TONGUE WEB! (jumps back and forth. With his tongue he forms a safety net and manages to stop the bus. He lets go and falls.)
(Gets out of her car) Oh my gosh... That kid did it.
Men 2
(while going to Sprig) What a hero!
Robert Otto
Hey, what about me? I mean, I slowed the bus down first.
(People come up to Sprig and give him a standing ovation.)
Men 3
Hey hey. Way to go, kiddo.
Please, citizens, please. It was nothing.
(A girl gets out of the school bus. She is the granddaughter of Robert Otto.)
Robert Otto
Molly Jo? You were in that bus? Oh, thank goodness (she runs to Sprig) you're... safe. (the other kids get out of the school bus)
Molly Jo
Thank you, Frog-Man, for (they shake hands) saving me and my Grandpa Robert!
(chuckles) Oh, no problem. (They both get stuck)
Molly Jo
What the...
Sorry, just gotta... (They both break free) There we go. (they both laugh)
(As the crowd continues to cheer Sprig, Robert Otto turns around and feels annoyed.)
Robert Otto
(Annoyed) Stupid Frog-Man.
(A montage starts. Sprig saves a cat that is stuck in a tree, though he ends up getting clawed to the face. Then a couple of newscasts are shown.)
Newscast 1
Look out, L.A., there's a new frog superhero in town!
Newscast 2
(speaks in Spanish) The mysterious frogman saves the day!
(In the night, Polly sees a few posts about Frog-Man on the laptop. While Anne is having a drink, she sees the posts and gives a startled spit on top of Polly.)
(While the front of the Boonchuy residence is shown from the outside) SPRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIG!
(Meanwhile, in the garbage dump, Robert Otto sees many Frog-Man posts on his cell phone, getting angry every second until he screams loudly.)
Robert Otto
I've been taking care of this neighborhood for years and what do I get? NOTHING! (calms down and starts to think) Hmm... If only I could prove Frog-Man is a joke. (A bright light bothers his eyes) (sees the Cloak-Bot arm) What's this? (takes it) It's some kind of high-tech mechanical arm. (puts it on his right arm and makes it stretch) Oh ho ho! Surprisingly light. (punches a defective car) Yet so powerful and a perfect fit. This must be (raises his arm) fate! And it looks like fate wants me to squash that frog boy. (maniacal laughter)
(The next day, after doing another heroic deed, Sprig strikes a pose and stands on a utility pole. people applaud him.)
Yes. Yes. Adore me! (jumps to the ground) Please Please. No thanks necessary! (people offer him gifts) OK... Maybe a few thanks necessary.
Pizza maker
(offers him a pizza) Please, Frog-Man, have a novelty pizza on the house!
Ooh, thanks!
(Sprig is about to take a piece of pizza, but with Cloak-Bot's arm, Robert Otto snatches the pizza away from him.)
Robert Otto
Halt, fiend! Scoundrels like you deserve no such (destroys the pizza) za!
Pizza maker
Who or what is that?
(while his slice of pizza is served) Huh... It looks like Robert Otto. He said he hated me and was gonna get his revenge. What's he doing here?
Robert Otto
(after his glasses were reflected) Now frog... let's settle this!
(Robert Otto launches an attack at Sprig with Cloak-Bot's arm, but Sprig dodges it.)
(while people panic) Yes! My very own supervillain! People are going to love me even more! Just like Tarantu-Lad!
Robert Otto
This is no longer a popularity contest. (breaks a rock with the Cloak-Bot's arm) This is a battle for the soul of a city. A battle I intend to win! (throws another attack at him, but Sprig dodges it, ending up grabbing a car)
Wow... (points it) cool robot arm. Where'd you get it?
Robert Otto
(takes the car and lures it) Wouldn't you like to know! (throws the car at him, but Sprig dodges it with his tongue and stands on another utility pole.) Frog-Man, you're but a wart on the face of this city. Get ready for some laser surgery! (fires a laser at him, but Sprig dodges it)
(Sprig runs away while swinging with his tongue, Robert Otto chases after him and fires more lasers at him. Sprig gasps at the sight of a truck, so she strikes a straight pose to pass through it. Robert Otto shoots the truck to keep running while laughing maniacally. Sprig runs through an entire building, while Robert Otto does the same, when he reaches the top he tries to kick, but they do it at the same time, so they suffer pain.)
Sprig & Robert Otto
Ow! Ow ow ow ow ow...
(Continue the fight. Robert Otto wreaks more havoc on the town with punches and lasers by attacking Sprig as Sprig dodges him. People panic. Meanwhile, Molly Jo walks out of the store as she looks at her cell phone. A car almost hit her, so she freaks out and then sees what's happening.)
Na na! You can't get me!
Robert Otto
WHY WON'T YOU JUST SIT (throws another car at him) STILL?
(dodges it, letting it anchor to a building) (stops at a traffic light pole) Crime doesn't sit still and neither shall I. (Robert Otto throws a pot of mail at him, but dodges it while gasping)
Molly Jo
Whoa! (dodges a car while freaking out and ends up on the ground, but the car causes a utility pole to fall on her, causing her to scream)
Sprig & Robert Otto
(stop fighting when they hear her) Huh?
Robert Otto
(Sprig manages to save Molly Jo and leaves her elsewhere. Robert Otto meets them.)
Robert Otto
(is relieved) Oh... good one, Frog-Man.
Thanks. It was no problem for Frog-Man, Defender of Jus--
Molly Jo
(pushes him) JERK! (is ashamed of him)
No. Justice. Defender of Justice.
Molly Jo
Justice? Look around you! Your flashy battle could have really (the serious mess that Sprig and Robert Otto caused is shown and they both notice it) hurt someone. Or worse.
What have I done?
Robert Otto
That's a lot of property damage.
Molly Jo
I don't believe this! I thought you were cool. You're both just destructive attention seekers. Nothing more! (leaves)
(stops her and she looks him) Wait... You're-- You're right. It was selfish of me. If I really wanted to help people, there were better ways.
Molly Jo
(groans) You're darn right.
Robert Otto
Yeah... I'm sorry too. We'll clean this up stat. (Sprig says so)
(A montage ensues, in which Sprig and Robert Otto clean up the mess they caused. After a few hours, they manage to do it. Now Sprig gives Molly Jo a hand, sign of apology.)
Molly Jo
(sighs) (shakes hands) Friends.
Sprig & Molly Jo
(get stuck, so break free) Oh! (look at each other and laugh)
Molly Jo
Hey... Can I see your face?
(while looking at the sun at sunset) No. It would give you nightmares and those nightmares would puke. (leaves while swinging with his tongue) Ha-Ha!
Police officer
(while Molly Jo behold him) You're definitely under arrest.
Robert Otto
Fair enough.
(At night, Sprig sneaks into Anne's room, however...)
(illuminates him with a white light) YOU! (Sprig gets scared and turns around) I (gets up from the chair) cannot believe this! (walks towards him) You put all of us at risk just to play dress up?!
Yep, but that's all done now. (looks at his suit with a lot to damages) It ended up doing more harm than good anyway.
(suffers from empathy, so sits on her knees) Looks like you've had a time. (points him) I have to admit, it was a pretty cool costume.
You like it? I cut your clothes to make it.
(While the front of the Boonchuy residence is shown from the outside) SPRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIG!