Sauce, Inc. is a factory founded and owned by Sal in Newtopia, located at 144 Via Gustosa, Little Frogtown, 00155.
In "Little Frogtown", Hop Pop, eager to have a taste of Sal's sandwiches, is shocked to find Sal's dream restaurant in ruins. Thinking that there was foul play afoot after finding the old frog's discarded fedora, Hop Pop seeks to locate Sal. Following a piece of paper that directed him to a Newtopian Gala, he finds Sal's Famous Sauce served with canapé, something his friend would never allow. After knocking out a waiter, Hop Pop attempts to infiltrate the kitchen to learn of the supplier of the sauce. However, he is caught and thrown into the dumpster by the cook. Luckily, a sauce can containing remnants of Sal's sauce is there and directs him to Sauce, Inc.
Sneaking into the factory, Hop Pop finds that someone has been marketing his friend's special sauce. The floor manager finds him and attempts to apprehend him but in the ensuing fight, Hop Pop knocks the newt into a sauce vat. He is eventually caught by security and brought to the owner of the factory, who was, in fact, Sal. There, Sal explains to his old friend that he decided to let go of his traditional values after his failed sandwich business. He marketed his sauce, which became a big hit with the city's populace, making him the proud owner of a thriving business. Sal encourages Hop Pop not to cling to the past, but to embrace change so he can have a say in what the future holds and even bring a bit of the past with him. After one of Sal's workers finds the body of the floor manager in a sauce vat, Hop Pop decides to hightail it by jumping out the nearest window.