Amphibia Wiki

The royal credit card is a credit card which was gifted to Anne and the Plantar family by King Andrias that has an unlimited amount of money for them to spend in Newtopia. However some locations inside Newtopia receive payment in cash only, as in coppers, thus making the card limited to specific areas.


The royal credit card is gold, featuring King Andrias' face, and has the digits 8462 2170. The Amphibia symbol is shown in the middle along with an intricately designed edge. The bottom left corner has something that looks like a chip that Earth credit cards have but has a scale pattern.


In "The Plantars Check In", Hop Pop warns Sprig against using the royal credit card anywhere outside Hemisphere Hotel and guards it in his pocket. Sprig realizes Hop Pop never said anything about using the card inside the hotel and decides to steal it from his pocket while he's asleep and use it on all the businesses and attractions the hotel has to offer. Just as he opens the door, he is confronted by a bellhop named Bella who asks for a tip. Sprig assumes she's asking for word of advice and leaves the scene once she suggests checking out the view from the top of the indoor Ferris wheel. After spending the unlimited money on ice cream, hairstyles, and coffee, Sprig loses the card while high up in the hotel and it lands on a chandelier. Sprig attempts to use the elevator to get to the chandelier quicker but it is taken over by elderly newts, causing him to break the window to reach the chandelier. As the card falls off it lands in the hands of Bella once she learns about its unlimited fees.

After a chase lands them on the Ferris wheel, Bella apologizes to Sprig for stealing the card and states that she just needed the money. Sprig accepts her apology but Bella falls off the Ferris wheel, causing Sprig to rescue both her and the card. Sprig is spared the trouble of riding the Ferris wheel for free once he presents the credit card to the manager, but Bella is about to get fired until Sprig comes to her defense and proposes she get a raise on behalf of Andrias for even suggesting riding the Ferris wheel in the first place.

In "Lost in Newtopia", when Anne and Polly are experiencing the city like locals, they try some Extra Spicy wraps from Jerry's food stand, who tells her that she has to pay for them. Anne tries to compensate using the royal credit card, but Jerry only accepts payments in cash, causing Anne and Polly to make a run for it.

In "Hopping Mall", Hop Pop lets the kids spend the afternoon at the outdoor shopping mall shopping for souvenirs, but only for two coppers or less. Anne expresses being in favor of using the royal credit card, but Hop Pop forbids this form of payment and insists that souvenirs are only valuable if paid for in your own money. Once the kids' journey in the shopping district concludes, they find Hop Pop bought a massage chair and find it difficult to believe he purchased it with only two coppers, causing him to owe up to his hypocrisy and admit he bought it with the card, but declares it was worth it due to the chair's sensational massages.


  • King Andrias claimed that there have been wars waged for less than the card carries.

ve Objects
Weapons Anne's racketSprig's slingshotDorisMantis ScytheSasha's heron swordsKing Andrias' laser swordMarcy's crossbowBarrel's WarhammerLaser scytheTritonio's ancestral swordEuropean Flail
Technology Anne's phoneSasha's phoneMarcy's phoneSkip ManInterdimensional portalNewtopia CastleNewtopian CrownFrobotMind-controlling collarDyoplosaurusFrakes Field Watch
Books Hop Pop's Road RulesMarcy's journalDr. P's Extraordinary Guide To Magic & MysteryIn the Heat of the SwampCynthia CovenSo, You're a Failed ActorBeasts of Amphibia
Artifacts Calamity BoxFrog VasePlantar caneTiger Moth's Eye
Food Amphibia Bug RoastArroy Arroy Fish SauceAvocadoBasilBeetle JerkyBlue Moon BerriesCheeseCheesy FliesChocopede PancakeDung Beetle SconesExtra SpicyMaggot LarbPain PeppersSal's Famous SauceScream BeanSlug GruelSlumberdoodleSlumberdoodle CookiesSquid And Basil SpecialSwamp Mold Pot PieTomatoVolcakenoWebby Candy
Drinks Beau-TeaBlam Berry BlitzBog GrogGourd TeaSwamp Slushy
Other Anne's penAnne's shoe"BFFs" photoCalamity GemsCopperGrime's harpRoyal Credit CardSprig's fiddle