Amphibia Wiki
This is a transcribed copy of Quarreler's Pass.
Feel free to edit or add to this page, as long as the information comes directly from the episode.
Previous: "A Caravan Named Desire" Next: "Toadcatcher"
Speaker Dialogue
(Things start off high in the mountains with gray skies.)
Anne (While checking the map) Hey, looks like we're almost halfway to Newtopia, HP.
Hop Pop Yep, making good time.
Anne I gotta say, this trip has been a lot smoother than I thought it'd be.
Hop Pop Yep!
Anne But the one thing I'd change...
Hop Pop The only thing I'd change...
(Sprig and Polly are heard fighting.)
Sprig Stop pushing me!
Polly NO! You stop pushing ME!
Hop Pop Iiiis that.
Polly Get that stupid stuff out of my face!
Sprig Well, sorry for showing you all this cool moss I found! (Polly hits him.) Ow! What was that for?
Polly I saw a punch bug! Punch bug! (hits him again)
Sprig For the last time, I'm not playing punch bu... (Polly hits him again) Ow!
Anne Two weeks of nonstop arguing really starting to wear on me.
Hop Pop At least they're keeping it in the fwagon this time.
(Polly comes out of the fwagon with Sprig's hat and inhales.)
Polly (in Sprig's voice) Look everyone, I'm Sprig. (looks at Hop Pop) Look at all this dumb moss I found. (throws moss in Hop Pop's face) Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow! (In to Hop Pop's ear and in a deep tone) Woooooooow!
Sprig (After he comes out of the fwagon) Oh, yeah? (inhales)
Sprig (in Polly's voice) Well, I'm Polly, (he clings to Anne) and I decided we're all playing punch bug. (hits Anne) Punch bug!
Polly (in Sprig's voice) Wow! Wow!
Sprig (in Polly's voice) (While hitting Anne) Punch bug! Punch bug!
Anne Okay, this is incredibly annoying, but I have to say, their impressions of each other are spot on.
Hop Pop Yep, always had a knack for that.
Anne (despaired) Oh, I don't think I can take two more weeks of this. If only there were some way to get them to stop fighting.
Hop Pop (stops Bessie when he sees something) Ya!
Anne, Sprig and Polly Whoa!
Anne What the heck, dude? I almost bit my tongue.
Hop Pop Shh! (points it) Look!
(An unusual fork is shown, then Polly reads aloud the sign pointing to the weirdest road.)
Polly "Quarreler's Pass. A road to reconciliation for weary travel-mates." Okay, so what?
Sprig Wait, Polly, you don't think they're gonna...
(Anne and Hop Pop dump Sprig and Polly on the path to Quarreler's Pass. The two grunt.)
Sprig What?
Polly You're seriously leaving us here?
Hop Pop Aw, quit your bellyaching. (flips the sign) It says right here that the paths meet up eventually.
Anne (while pulling her hair) Your fighting is driving us nuts! You brought this upon yourselves!
Polly This is all Sprig's fault for (hits him) being so zippy and obnoxious all the time!
Sprig Me? (hits her) You're the one who's punching everyone!
Polly No, you are!
Sprig No, you are!
Hop Pop Mm-hmm. See you kids on the other side and good luck.
Anne Here. If you get in trouble, just call me. (tosses Sprig her phone, which hits him)
Sprig Ow!
Hop Pop Heeyah!
(Anne and Hop Pop flee with the fwagon on the safe path)
Sprig (confused) Call me?
(Anne and Hop Pop are shown laughing.)
Anne "Call me?" (she hits her forehead) Argh! There's only one phone!
Hop Pop I don't get it.
(Back with Sprig and Polly.)
Sprig I don't get it. (pockets Anne's phone)
(Sprig and Polly watch the passage for a moment.)
Polly Let's just get this over with. (trips him and runs away)' Try to keep up, slowpoke.
Sprig (grabs her) Oh, no, (throws her back) you don't! (runs away: Polly chases him)
(Sprig and Polly hit the first challenge of the step while hitting each other. Polly bumps into the sign and reads it aloud.)
Polly "The Beam of Balance"? (chuckles) More like the beam of... (collides with Sprig while running towards the Beam) Race you across!
Sprig Hey! (chase her) Get back here, you dang cheater!
Polly Eat my dust, lame-o! (The beam starts to move) Huh? Whoa! (falls) (screams) Help me, lame-o!
Sprig Hang on!(sticks his tongue out, grabs her and holds her in his mouth)
Polly Thanks.
Sprig (spits her out) Polly, I think we're supposed to go across slowly. (gets on all fours and goes on tiptoe)
(Polly does the same as Sprig while sighing.)
Sprig Okay. This works. Yeah. Slow and steady.
Polly This is gonna take forever. Let's just jump.
Sprig Jump? I can't make that, it's wider than Croaker's Creek.
Polly (laughs) Remember when you tried to jump over Croaker's Creek?
Sprig Yeah, don't remind me.
Polly You landed right on a cactus flower! All those spikes sticking out of your... (gasps) Wait! Remember Croaker's Creek?
Sprig Yeah! I don't wanna talk about it!
Polly No, no! There was a rickety bridge, remember? And the only way we got across was...
Sprig (gasps) The walk-and-roll! Polly, you're a flipping genius! (both strain) (sighs) Forgot where I was.
(Sprig and Polly start to do the trick.)
Polly Let's roll! And walk.
Sprig Okay, ready. Whoa! Whoa! Okay, left. (Polly grunts) Right! Left! Right! Left! (talks fast) Right! Left! Right! Left!
(Sprig and Polly manage to get to the other side while falling. Then they stand up.)
Sprig and Polly We did it!
Polly Now, let's breeze through this thing so we can slap Hop Pop.
Sprig I support that. Huh. Wonder how those two are doing without us?
(Back with Anne and Hop Pop... Wind howling.)
Hop Pop Finally. Peace and quiet. Almost a little too quiet. (chuckles: nervous) Almost a little awkward, isn't it?
(Anne opens her eyes and stares at Hop Pop.)
Hop Pop So do you have a boyfriend back home?
(Anne kicks Hop Pop out of the fwagon.)
(Back with Sprig and Polly, they begin to sing while overcoming challenges of the pass.)
Sprig ♪ They call us The impossible two ♪
Polly ♪ A super-duper Brother-sister crew ♪
Sprig ♪ We're a team that can't be beat ♪ ♪ Always gonna land On our feet ♪
Polly ♪ We're almost all the way through ♪ ♪ But the end of the pass is fake ♪ (Sprig bumps into the wall) It's fake.
Sprig What the heck? Someone blocked off the pass and painted it to look like the end? Weird.
Polly Must be another test. What if we took (points it) that tunnel over there?
(Sprig and Polly come to the tunnel, it looks dark, dirty and dangerous.)
Sprig Okay.
Polly (she and Sprig go) All right! Test passed!
Polly Hmm, that was too easy.
Sprig Or maybe we're just the best!
Sprig and Polly Yeah!(High Five)
(Sprig uses the flashlight on Anne's cell phone. He and Polly notice the tunnel getting smaller.)
Sprig Oh, perspective.
Polly Clever.
(Sprig and Polly enter the narrow tunnel.)
Sprig Okay. Not much farther. Hopefully.
(Sprig accidentally steps on Polly's tail.)
Polly (screams) Hey!
Sprig Oops. My bad!
Polly (hits him) Watch (while saliva comes out and spits it on Sprig) where you're putting your big, dumb feet!
Sprig You watch where you put your (kicks her with his foot) big, dumb spit!
Polly Ugh! You're so annoying!
Sprig No, you are!
Polly No, you are!
Sprig No, you are!
Polly No, you are!
Sprig No, you are!
Polly No, you are!
Sprig No, you are!
Polly No, you are!
(Sprig and Polly come to a couple of tunnels)
Sprig No, you are!
Polly No, you are!
Sprig No, you are!
Polly Would you look at that? Two tunnels. Why don't you take that one and find another pollywog to step on?
Sprig Fine! And maybe you can annoy someone else in that one!
Polly Fine!
Sprig Fine!
(Sprig and Polly are separated by the tunnels. Sprig mutters in frustration as he walks. Polly pulls out a light mushroom and gets angry.)
Polly He thinks I'm annoying? He's the annoying one.
Sprig I can hear you! These rock walls are surprisingly thin!
Polly YOU'RE surprisingly thin!
Voice Good one. (Polly looks and sees a huge snake-like creature staring at her) (growls) Hi.
Polly (screams)
Female Olm Whoops, didn't mean to frighten you.
Polly That's okay.
Female Olm I meant to eat you!
(Polly screams and runs away from the creature.)
Polly There's a giant wormy thing! It's trying to eat me!
Sprig I'll save you! (runs into another creature)
Male Olm And I'll save you for dessert.
(Sprig backs up, but falls down a hole and ends up in a mountain of bones.)
Sprig Well, this isn't a good sign.
(Polly falls down a hole and ends up in the mountain of bones.)
Polly Well, this isn't a good sign.
Sprig I just said that!
(The two olms arrive and look at Sprig and Polly.)
Male Olm Ah, good catch, Lysil.
Lysil Yes, Angwin, and they sound juicy.
Polly (screams) How many of you weirdos are there?
(Lysil and Angwin are laughing. Sprig and Polly part ways as they watch Lysil and Angwin exit the tunnels and reveal they are conjoined.)
Lysil and Angwin Only one.
Polly WHAT THE...
Sprig Shh! I don't think they can see us.
Lysil No, but we can hear you. And it's only a matter of time before my bro and I find ya!
Angwin That's how we olms do.
Polly Oh, yeah? Well...
(Sprig covers Polly and they go to another wall. Polly sees a crack.)
Polly Into the crack!
(Sprig and Polly enter the crack and take refuge. Angwin can't eat them and gets frustrated.)
Angwin (gnawing) Oh, great. We lost 'em in the crack 'cause you were dragging your feet.
Lysil Okay. A, we don't have feet. And B, I could've helped if you'd bothered to communicate at all.
Angwin I said "Over here!" Try listening for once.
Lysil Ugh! Just help me find a stick to pry them out of the crack. You are literally a pain in my backside.
Angwin Ugh! I'm a pain? You're the pain!
Lysil No, you are!
Angwin No, you are!
Lysil No, you are!
Angwin No, you are!
(Sprig and Polly listen to Lysil and Angwin and start to get frustrated.)
Lysil No, you are!
Angwin No, you are!
Lysil You are!
Angwin You are!
Sprig Ah! All this bickering is driving me crazy.
Polly It's like wearing a beehive on your head.
Sprig Can you imagine having to listen to this for more than an hour?
Polly Or two weeks?
Sprig From the back of a wagon?
Lysil No, you are!
Angwin No, you are!
(Sprig and Polly start to wail.)
Sprig I guess Hop Pop and Anne were right to ditch us here.
Polly If we get out of this, maybe we can call a truce. Not argue for a couple weeks? Give them a break?
Sprig Deal!
Lysil No, you are!
Angwin No, you are!
(Sprig and Polly spit in their hands and shake hands.)
Polly Now then, how to escape two, mostly blind, argumentative siblings? (she and Sprig come out of hiding) (gasps) I have an idea that might make an impression. (winks at Sprig)
Sprig Something in your eye?
Polly Just follow my lead!
Angwin Okay, whatever. Let's just eat these kids and get back to never talking to each other again.
Lysil Ugh! Finally. A good idea out of your mouth. Now, let's find that stick already.
(Polly inales.)
Polly (in Angwin's voice) Do it yourself, you smelly dum-dum!
Lysil (gasps) Who you calling dum-dum? Yeah, I found your stick. Right here! (hits him with a bone)
Angwin Ow! Hey! (Sprig sticks his tongue out and grabs a stalactite and climbs to a higher part of the cave) Watch where you're swinging that thing!
(Sprig inales.)
Sprig (in Lysil's voice) Not my fault, you've got such a humongous swollen head, brother!
Angwin Hey! Now that's uncalled for! Take this! (bites her on the neck and pushes her into a wall, causing a landslide)
Lysil (screams) Biting, is it?
(Sprig dodges Lysil, Angwin and the collapse while the two start fighting, unfortunately, Sprig ends up in Angwin's mouth.)
Polly (gasps) Spriiiiig!
Lysil (she's about to fall in Angwin) Belly flop!
(Lysil falls on Angwin and spits out Sprig, while he pants, Polly takes him)
Polly Get up! Come on!
(Sprig and Polly go to another exit tunnel above the cave.)
Sprig Move, move, move!
(Lysil and Angwin's fight is seen.)
Angwin Mom always liked me best!
Lysil That's because she had terrible taste!
(Sprig and Polly come out of the cave, jump down and finally the danger ends. They pant and start laughing.)
Polly Whoo, man. Promise me we never end up like that.
Sprig Us? Are you kidding? We're way too good of a team.
Polly Bring it in, buddy.
(Sprig and Polly hug.)
Polly Hmm, looks like we're back on the road. Where's Anne and Hop Pop?
Sprig Yeah, they should be here by now. (Hop Pop mumbling) Wait, do you hear that?
Hop Pop A relationship is like a farm. You plant a seed of trust and it grows into a better relationship.
Sprig Anne, over here! Anne!
Polly Hi! Sup?
Anne You two! Thank frog!
Sprig Anne, you'll be glad to know we've decided to stop...
Anne (Grabs them and sit them on the fwagon) I don't care! I need you to fill the silences. Hop Pop can't deal with them! He can't deal with them!
Hop Pop Oh, hey, kids. Didn't see you there. How'd the trials go?
Polly It was fine, except for the bloodthirsty olms.
Sprig And you'll be glad to know we've decided to stop arguing...
Hop Pop (interrupts him) That's great, Sprig. Anyway, we were just getting into the nitty-gritty. Now that you guys are back, we can talk about Anne's boyfriend again.
(Anne kicks Hop Pop into the void. He screams from free fall.)

ve Episode transcripts
Season 1 1. Anne or Beast?/Best Fronds • 2. Cane Crazy/Flood, Sweat & Tears • 3. Hop Luck/Stakeout • 4. The Domino Effect/Taking Charge • 5. Anne Theft Auto/Breakout Star • 6. Sprig Vs. Hop Pop/Girl Time • 7. Dating Season/Anne Vs. Wild • 8. Contagi-Anne/Family Shrub • 9. Lily Pad Thai/Plantar's Last Stand • 10. Toad Tax/Prison Break • 11. Grubhog Day/Hop Pop and Lock • 12. Civil Wart/Hop-Popular • 13. Croak & Punishment/Trip to the Archives • 14. Snow Day/Cracking Mrs. Croaker • 15. A Night at the Inn/Wally and Anne • 16. Family Fishing Trip/Bizarre Bazaar • 17. Cursed!/Fiddle Me This • 18. The Big Bugball Game/Combat Camp • 19. Children of the Spore/Anne of the Year • 20. Reunion
Season 2 1. Handy Anne/Fort in the Road • 2. The Ballad of Hopediah Plantar/Anne Hunter • 3. Truck Stop Polly/A Caravan Named Desire • 4. Quarreler's Pass/Toadcatcher • 5. Swamp and Sensibility/Wax Museum • 6. Marcy at the Gates • 7. Scavenger Hunt/The Plantars Check In • 8. Lost in Newtopia/Sprig Gets Schooled • 9. Little Frogtown/Hopping Mall • 10. The Sleepover to End All Sleepovers/A Day at the Aquarium • 11. The Shut-In! • 12. Night Drivers/Return to Wartwood • 13. Ivy on the Run/After the Rain • 14. The First Temple • 15. New Wartwood/Friend or Frobo? • 16. Toad to Redemption/Maddie & Marcy • 17. The Second Temple/Barrel's Warhammer • 18. Bessie & MicroAngelo/The Third Temple • 19. The Dinner/Battle of the Bands • 20. True Colors
Season 3 1. The New Normal • 2. Hop 'Til You Drop/Turning Point • 3. Thai Feud/Adventures in Catsitting • 4. Fight at the Museum/Temple Frogs • 5. Fixing Frobo/Anne-sterminator • 6. Mr. X/Sprig's Birthday • 7. Spider-Sprig/Olivia & Yunan • 8. Hollywood Hop Pop/If You Give a Frog a Cookie • 9. Froggy Little Christmas • 10. Escape to Amphibia • 11. Commander Anne/Sprivy • 12. Sasha's Angels/Olm Town Road • 13. Mother of Olms/Grime's Pupil • 14. The Root of Evil/The Core & The King • 15. Newts in Tights/Fight or Flight • 16. The Three Armies/The Beginning of the End • 17. All In • 18. The Hardest Thing