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This is a transcribed copy of Maddie & Marcy.
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Maddie: Seed of swordspine, one cup of dirt from a widow's grave, add both to bubbling bog water, and finally, one half drop of worm snake venom. Steady... steady...

Rosemary, Lavender and Ginger: Maddie! Maddie! Maddie! Maddie! Maddie!

Maddie: Hi, Rosemary, Ginger, and Lavender. What are you doing here?

Rosemary: Hey, sis! You promise you play with us, remember?

Maddie: I'm in a middle of a spell. We can play tomorrow.

Ginger: That's what you said yesterday.

Maddie: Look, Mrs. Jonkins is counting on me to bring her pet, Fleafy, back to life.

(bird caws)

Maddie: Hey, hey! Get out of here! Necromancy is really advanced magic. It said that only level two witches can pull it off. I've only done level spells up so-

Ginger: Boo! Magic is boring!

Lavender: And creepy. Let's play instead!

Rosemary: Remember when you used to juggle us?

Rosemary, Lavender, and Ginger: Juggle us! Juggle us!

Maddie: Fine, give me a few minutes to wrap this up, and we'll play.

Rosemary, Lavender, and Ginger: Yay!

[Three hours later...']

Maddie: Almost there... (laughs)

Rosemary: What happened to a few minutes?

[The girls notice a log on a rock and start using it like a teeter-totter. Ginger jumps on the end with Rosemary and launches Lavender into Maddie.]

Maddie and Lavender: Aah!

[Maddie falls and knocks over her cauldron, the potion flying towards Lavender and Ginger.]

Rosemary and Ginger: Aah!

[The potion lands on a tree.]

Maddie: No! That took all morning!

[The tree absorbs the potion and is brought to life, roaring.]

Maddie: Uh, oh.

[Rosemary, Lavender, and Ginger scream as Maddie scoops them up and runs, avoiding the tree's hand. Nearby, Marcy observes a plant.]

Marcy: Crockside conifer. What a find! And they said compiling a plant-cyclopedia would be boring.

Maddie and the Sisters: Aah!

Marcy: That doesn't sound good. (Finds Maddie and her sisters, gets excited) No froggin' way! A curse user?! Here?!

Maddie: What's the matter with you three?!

Rosemary: We were just trying to play with you.

Maddie: Well now I definitely don't have time. Go home and help dad with the bakery or something. I swear, sometimes, I wish you three would grow up.

Rosemary, Lavender, and Ginger: Aww.

Maddie: (groans)

Marcy: Okay, Marce. Be cool. Just get out there and introduce yourself with confidence.

Marcy: Hi, there!

Maddie: Aah!

Marcy: My name's Marcy!

Maddie: Oh, oops. You're Anne's friend, right?

Marcy: Oh, my gosh! That was the coolest thing ever! Some kind of low-grade fire curse?

Maddie: (intrigued) I'm impressed you knew that! Do you also have an interest in the dark arts?

Marcy: Are you kidding?! I've read every Cynthia Coven book, five times! I searched all over Newtopia for someone who could teach me, but magic users are so rare these days.

Maddie: (even more impressed) Wow! No one's ever interested in what I do! They usually run away screaming!

Marcy: Baby, I'm running towards you! How do you feel about that?

Maddie: I'm feeling like a beautiful friendship is about to start. Wanna be my apprentice and help me bring a dead flea back to life?

Marcy: (puts her bangs over her right eye) Do I ever!

Maddie and Marcy: (laughs)

Maddie: If we're gonna bring this flea back to life, we need a few more ingredients. First up, bile of a vomit bird.

Maddie and Marcy: (laughs)

Maddie: Then, some big ol' ticks.

Maddie and Marcy: (laughs and screams)

Maddie: A really rotted corpse.

Maddie: No. No. Hey, perfect!

Hop Pop: Did you girls mistake me for a corpse?!

Marcy: Of "corpse" not, Hop Pop.

Maddie: Fresh soil from a graveyard.

Maddie: Assorted limbs.

Maddie: And lastly, a high-five from your new best bud.

Maddie: Well, this is me. (groans). I hope my sisters are asleep. I do not want to deal with them right now.

Marcy: What's wrong with your little sisters?

Maddie: It's a long story. I used to play with them all the time. Especially, juggling; that was their favorite. Then, I got my own interests. Magic became my passion, my calling. I didn't have time to waste on kids stuff anymore. And ever since then, they've been so annoying.

Marcy: As someone who goes hard into her hobbies, I relate. But, don't you think you should still make time for them occasionally?

Maddie: Nonsense. Being a witch is a big responsibility, Marcy. I've got more important things to do now than babysit.

Marcy: Well, you are the master. See you at the sacrificial grove tomorrow for an unholy ritual!

Maddie and Marcy: (they do their own unique handshake) Creepy spiders!

Marcy: (squeals) Can't wait!

Rosemary, Lavender, and Ginger: (groans)

Rosemary: I can't believe it! Maddie replaced us?

Ginger: Why did she want to hang out with that stupid old lady?

Lavender: I wish we were older. And then, Maddie would want to play with us like she used to.

Rosemary: That's it! That's it! That's it! We just have to use one of Maddie's witchy spells to grow up!

Lavender: Grow up?

Ginger: And then we'll be older and Maddie will want to play with us again!

Rosemary and Lavender: Yeah!

Rosemary, Lavender, and Ginger: (cackles)

Mr. Flour: Night girls!

Rosemary, Lavender, and Ginger: (innocent eyes) Good night, daddy.

(The next day, Mr. Flour is checking on his bread as Maddie comes downstairs.)

Mr. Flour: (not turning around) Morning, daughter.

Maddie: Dad, have you seen my spell book? I need to perform a level 2 resurrection with my apprentice.

Mr. Flour: Well, I think I saw your sisters with it.

Maddie: Aah! I'm gonna kill them! (runs back upstairs)

Mr. Flour: Well, make sure you resurrect them when you're done.

Maddie: What have I told you about playing with my stuff?!

Lavender: We're not playing, we're making a witchy spell.

Maddie: (gasps) Oh, what did you do to my book?! It's ruined! This is why I don't spend time with you anymore because you're annoying, little babies!

Rosemary: Won't be babies for much longer.

Marcy: Check it out! My first successful curse! Some kind of horrible abomination!

Flower: (yodels)

Marcy: (covers the flower's mouth) Okay, that's enough. You okay?

Maddie: I'm so done with my sisters. Look what they did to my spell book!

Marcy: Yeesh. They didn't even color in the lines.

Flower: Tsk tsk tsk tsk.

Maddie: Whatever. They won't stop me from reaching level two. Let's get to resurrecting.

Marcy: (gasps) It's alive. It's alive! Or there's a slight breeze.

Maddie and Marcy: (gasps)

Maddie: We did it! We did it! I'm finally a level 2 witch! (notices a growing shadow and looks up) Huh?

Ginger: Maddie!

Maddie and Marcy: (screams)

Maddie: Fleafy!

Marcy: Holy cow!

Ginger: Found you!

Maddie: Wait, Ginger?!

Ginger: You wanted us grown up.

Rosemary: So, here we are!

Maddie: Oh, no they didn't!

Marcy: Didn't what?

Lavender: Come on Maddie, play with us!

Rosemary, Lavender, and Ginger: Hide and seek!

Maddie and Marcy: (screams)


This is insane. Why would they curse themselves

with some half-baked growth spell?

[echoing] Growth spell.

Oh, no. It's because I told them they needed to grow up.

They only did this to spend more time with me.

And it's bad, really bad.

- They did the spell all wrong. - How can you tell?

Because... they're still growing.

A curse like that should be done already.

At this rate, they're going to balloon until they explode.

Found you. [screams]

Now we hide...

[screams] And you seek.







You ever think it's weird

when the main characters aren't in an episode?

Eh, you don't miss 'em.


Wow. We're big.

Maybe a little too big.

Hey, uh, guys.

How much bigger are we supposed to get?

I don't know. But I don't like it.

Make it stop.


You grow tulips.

- We gotta do something. - But what?

- Come with me. - Right behind you, teach.

All right, master. I got all the ingredients for the antidote.

Good. I'm gonna need you to make four doses. While I calm them down.

But I'm not ready for that level of potion-making.

Wait, four antidotes? Why four?

Because one of them is for me.


[deep voice] Rosemary. Lavender. Ginger.

I'm here.

- Maddie! - Help us!

We made a mistake.

I'm the one who made a mistake.

I should've made time for you three.

But now I'm gonna make up for it.




Crosshand shuffle.

Around the swamp.

Three wog monty.


Maddie, get ready!


[grunts] Oh!

[grunts] Whoo!



Nice job with those antidotes, apprentice.

What can I say? I had a great teacher.

[together] Maddie! Maddie! Maddie!

You're the best sister ever!

No, I'm not.

Because of me, you three almos exploded.

- Wait, what? - I got so caught up with my witch stuff

that I forgot that being a good older sister is my responsibility too.

- [together] - We forgive you. - No.

You should be mad at me. I'm mad at me.

Let me have it. Really. I deserve it.

[together] We love you, Maddie.

I love you too, you little scamps.

[sighs] Now that's magic.

Oh, my gosh. Everyone, look.


[Maddie] Flea-fi.

Bring it in, Flea-fi, you crazy freak of nature.

[all] Flea-fi!

ve Episode transcripts
Season 1 1. Anne or Beast?/Best Fronds • 2. Cane Crazy/Flood, Sweat & Tears • 3. Hop Luck/Stakeout • 4. The Domino Effect/Taking Charge • 5. Anne Theft Auto/Breakout Star • 6. Sprig Vs. Hop Pop/Girl Time • 7. Dating Season/Anne Vs. Wild • 8. Contagi-Anne/Family Shrub • 9. Lily Pad Thai/Plantar's Last Stand • 10. Toad Tax/Prison Break • 11. Grubhog Day/Hop Pop and Lock • 12. Civil Wart/Hop-Popular • 13. Croak & Punishment/Trip to the Archives • 14. Snow Day/Cracking Mrs. Croaker • 15. A Night at the Inn/Wally and Anne • 16. Family Fishing Trip/Bizarre Bazaar • 17. Cursed!/Fiddle Me This • 18. The Big Bugball Game/Combat Camp • 19. Children of the Spore/Anne of the Year • 20. Reunion
Season 2 1. Handy Anne/Fort in the Road • 2. The Ballad of Hopediah Plantar/Anne Hunter • 3. Truck Stop Polly/A Caravan Named Desire • 4. Quarreler's Pass/Toadcatcher • 5. Swamp and Sensibility/Wax Museum • 6. Marcy at the Gates • 7. Scavenger Hunt/The Plantars Check In • 8. Lost in Newtopia/Sprig Gets Schooled • 9. Little Frogtown/Hopping Mall • 10. The Sleepover to End All Sleepovers/A Day at the Aquarium • 11. The Shut-In! • 12. Night Drivers/Return to Wartwood • 13. Ivy on the Run/After the Rain • 14. The First Temple • 15. New Wartwood/Friend or Frobo? • 16. Toad to Redemption/Maddie & Marcy • 17. The Second Temple/Barrel's Warhammer • 18. Bessie & MicroAngelo/The Third Temple • 19. The Dinner/Battle of the Bands • 20. True Colors
Season 3 1. The New Normal • 2. Hop 'Til You Drop/Turning Point • 3. Thai Feud/Adventures in Catsitting • 4. Fight at the Museum/Temple Frogs • 5. Fixing Frobo/Anne-sterminator • 6. Mr. X/Sprig's Birthday • 7. Spider-Sprig/Olivia & Yunan • 8. Hollywood Hop Pop/If You Give a Frog a Cookie • 9. Froggy Little Christmas • 10. Escape to Amphibia • 11. Commander Anne/Sprivy • 12. Sasha's Angels/Olm Town Road • 13. Mother of Olms/Grime's Pupil • 14. The Root of Evil/The Core & The King • 15. Newts in Tights/Fight or Flight • 16. The Three Armies/The Beginning of the End • 17. All In • 18. The Hardest Thing