Kill-a-moths are a type of "amphibivore" bug found in the forests near Wartwood in Amphibia. They are known as kill-a-pillars in their caterpillar stage, and once they grow up to their adult forms, they are called kill-a-moths.
They are a type of lepidopteran that look similar to feline mammals from the human planet Earth in its larva stage.
In its caterpillar stage, a kill-a-pillar is caterpillar creature of various colors and bears a resemblance to an Earth cat. They possess 6 legs, furry and cat-like faces, but have no tail, nose, nor whiskers. As newborns they're way smaller and has eyes more bulged out.
In its cocoon stage, it is covered in its own sticky silk with only its pointy ears bulging out from its head.
In its moth stage, it takes on the appearance of a cat-moth hybrid and grows considerably in size, having the torso and wings similar to that of a butterfly with head and limbs of a feline. It also has rows of pale-yellow teeth and a green tentacle-like tongue lined with white spikes in its mouth. The wings are similar to that of a Monarch Butterfly.
Its larva form is shown to be quite defenseless against various predators in Amphibia such as Giant Wasps. In this stage, they can be quite affectionate and cute, displaying cat-like behaviors such as attraction to cat toys, leaving dead creatures for their owners, and developing an attachment to them.
In its adult form, it's more powerful and more lethal than in larva form being as tall as adult human size (about larger size than a teenage human like Anne), hunt by claws, catch prey by webs similar to a spider and fly with its wings. However, kill-a-moths can still be tamed and remember those they had an attachment to.
Despite being able to be tamed, kill-a-pillars and kill-a-moths still appear to retain their predatory nature, having an appetite for Amphibians. Nonetheless would eat other edible food as well.
Power and abilities[]
Kill-a-pillars and kill-a-moths possess feline and bug-like features which they use to hunt then consume prey. They are capable of releasing sticky silk and can climb walls and ceilings effortlessly. They are also shown to have sharp claws and fangs. Upon becoming a kill-a-moth, they gain wings which enables them to fly. Kill-a-moths also appear to be more intelligent when compared to Earth's cats.
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- Like Cowapillars, this is the Amphibia form of a mammalian creature on Earth.
- Kermit the Frog initially enjoys Amphibia there, but that quickly ends when he spots a frog-eating moth and heads back to the 2019 D23 Expo by the Calamity Box. Which the frog-eating moth might be a kill-a-moth.
- The kill-a-pillar is an "amphibivore", meaning it diets mainly on Amphibian creatures; frogs, toads, and newts. However, they have been seen eating bugs, fruits, and vegetables as well. They seem to not be interested in mammals like Humans.
- In larval and adult stages, they are attracted to jingling sounds, such as the mouse toy Anne used for her pet cat Domino when she was a stray back at Los Angeles, California.
- Subspecies of kill-a-moth seem to exist, as Domino 2 is referred to as a "Coastal kill-a-moth" by both Hop Pop and Soggy Joe.
- Kill-a-pillars, or at least Wally Jr. who is one of Domino 2's offspring, can be played like an accordion.