Amphibia Wiki

In the Heat of the Swamp is a romance novel geared toward adult readers.


The book is a washed-out red color with a male and female frog on the front engaged in romantic activity.


"In the Heat of the Swamp" Lady Olivia

Lady Olivia asleep with the book opened on her lap.

In "Cracking Mrs. Croaker", Sprig finds the boom in Mrs. Croaker's house while rummaging through her belongings. When he looks inside he is surprised at the suggestive illustrations and declares they will be hard to forget.

In "The Sleepover to End All Sleepovers", while Anne, Marcy, Sprig, and Polly are sneaking past a sleeping Lady Olivia on their way to the dungeon, Olivia has this book on her lap.


  • When the book is on screen, slow saxophone music is heard, suggesting that the book contains material not suitable for children.

