Amphibia Wiki
This is a transcribed copy of Hop Luck.
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Previous: "Flood, Sweat & Tears" Next: "Stakeout"

[The frog being carried by a dragonfly soars through the sky.]

Frog: Aah! Help! Somebody help me!

[Anne shows Sprig and Polly a video on her phone.]

Anne: And this bad boy is my kitty Domino.

[Domino meows.]

Anne: You guys would like her. She's got fire.

Sprig: Ooh!

Polly: Aw, she's so tiny! I feel huge!

Sprig: Hmm. I will... [pulls out a hammer] set her free!

[Anne reclaims her phone.]

Anne: Please stop doing that.


Anne: [sniffs] Ugh! What is that? Did something crawl under the house and die?

Sprig: [sniffing] Worse, Anne. Much worse. Hop Pop is cooking!

[The kids return home; Sprig grabs the door handle.]

Sprig: Brace yourself.

Anne: Brace myself for what?

Sprig: Aah! [screaming]


Hop Pop: Mmm!


Sprig: What's the plan this year, Hop Pop? Poison the competition? [Hop Pop bonks him with his spoon.] Ooh!

Hop Pop: The plan is to win.

Anne: Win?

Hop Pop: The annual village potluck. Every year we frogs gather for a great contest. The family who brings the best-tasting dish is showered with love and copper coins. The family with the worst-tasting dish spends the night in...


Hop Pop: the shame cage!

Anne: Brutal.

Sprig: And guess which family ends up there every year.

[all three sigh]

Anne: If you think I'm gonna let my favorite froggy family end up in a cage, you've got another thing coming. I know I'm not technically a Plantar, but maybe I can help.

All: Mmm!

Sprig: Anne, we'd sure appreciate it.

Anne: So, what you making over there, Hop Pop? Sock gumbo?

Hop Pop: No, silly. It's a traditional recipe from my family's cookbook. We been using this baby since I was a pollywog.

Anne: Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. I think I found your problem, guys.

[all gasp]

Anne: Old things are dumb!


Polly: Oh, that makes sense.

Sprig: It's all so clear now.

Hop Pop: But we Plantars have always cooked these recipes. What would my great-gam-gam say?

Anne: She'd say "Move on."

Hop Pop: [sighs] She was a fierce woman.

Anne: Look, if we're gonna win this thing, we need something new, something revolutionary, something no one in the swamp has ever seen before. Something like...

Sprig: [gasps]

Anne: Pizza!

Sprig: Whoa.

Polly: I don't know what it is, but I love it.

Anne: Pizza is the ultimate dish. You haven't lived until you've shared one with your friends at the mall.

Hop Pop: Now, now, hold on. Before we get carried away, what about this tried-and-true recipe? Swamp mold pot pie!

Sprig/Polly: Pizza! Pizza!

Hop Pop: Okay, okay. Sheesh.

Sprig: We'll win for sure with this, Hop Pop.

Anne: Now all we gotta do is-- [clears throat] All we gotta do is get four ingredients-- dough, cheese, basil, and tomatoes. Are you guys ready to make our pizza dreams a pizza reality?

Sprig/Polly: Pizza dreams! Sprig: Oh! Oh! Maybe we should put pineapple on it. Seems like a natural fit. [groans as Anne pins him to the wall]

Anne: [whispers] Don't you dare talk about pineapple on my pizza. Ever. Okay. Let's go get those ingredients. Pizza dreams!

Sprig: [weakly] Pizza dreams.

Polly: [shakes Sprig] Pizza dreams!

[Flies buzz around a roll of flour as Mr. Flour, the baker, stomps on it before throwing it into his oven.]

Mr. Flour: If you want the dough, the boy has to marry my daughter.

[Reveals Maddie Flour with a voodoo doll of Sprig as ominous music is heard.]

Maddie: Hiiiii, Spriiiiiiig...

Mr. Flour: Ain't she adorable?

Anne: Done.

Hop Pop: You know, if we used a traditional recipe, we wouldn't have to sell Sprig.

Anne: No! That old book is old. Sprig's eternal happiness is a small price to pay for pizza.

Polly: Agreed.

Sprig: Aw, it's not so bad. Maybe we'll learn to love each other. Aah!

Maddie: I've seen your death in my mind.

Sprig: I was kinda hoping it'd be a surprise. [chuckles]

Maddie: [whispers] It will be.

[sinister chuckle, slowed down]

Anne: Congratulations on your new son. Now cough up the dough.

Mr. Flour: Yay!

Anne: Pleasure doing business with ya.

Sprig: Well, looks like we gotta go. [chuckles] See ya.

Polly: I wanna be the maid of honor!

Maddie: See you soon, hubby...

[flies clucking like chickens]

[all screaming]


Mrs. Croaker: Thanks again for helping me out! I know Brutus can be a handful.


Sprig: What are we here for again?

Anne: Cheese!

Polly: [laughing]

Hop Pop: You know, there's a recipe in here that doesn't need cheese.

Anne: No old recipes! Huh? [panting] [gasps] Hey, Brutus! Over here! ¡Toro! ¡Toro!


Anne: [laughs] Oh, come on!

Sprig: Blah!

Anne: [grunts, sighs]

Anne/Sprig: Yeah, yeah, yeah!

[Brutus roars.]

Mrs. Croaker: Here you go, deary. A hunk of cheese made fresh from the milk of those ca--

Anne: Please don't tell me where it comes from.

Anne: Hey, careful with that basil, dude. We had to fight off like ten giant aphids to get it.

Sprig: Who knew ultimate flavor could be so painful?

Hop Pop: Almost lost my behind to those things.

Sprig: This is the price of progress, Hop Pop.

Anne: Exactly. And we've only got one ingredient left. Tomatoes. According to this, they should be up ahead.

Hop Pop: Still can't believe I traded my favorite dentures for that map.

Sprig: You know, I've never actually tasted a tomato. No one in town really sells them.

Hop Pop: There's a reason for that. They're in the "dangerous vegetables" section. It suggests we go for prunes instead. Can't go wrong with prunes!

Anne: Whoa-whoa. "Dangerous vegetables"? Come on!


Polly: Ho...

Sprig: ly...

Anne: ...tomato.


Hop Pop: You know, this baby's got some great substitutes, all of which are delightfully harmless.

Sprig: Couldn't hurt to hear a few options.

Anne: Hold on! Guys, the shame cage isn't just in the town square. It's up here. You're not gonna change the world without taking a few risks. We need to be bold, groundbreaking, brave!

Hop Pop: Anne, there's a big difference between courage and stupidity! [screaming]


All: Hop Pop! [yell]

[Anne panting]

[all yelling]

Sprig: My fiancée was right! [all grunting]

Hop Pop: Holy smokes! Acid!

Anne: Well, at least the ingredients are safe. No!


Anne: The ingredients! Everything we've worked for!

Sprig: At least it'll be a quick, painless death.

Polly: Why would this be painless?

Sprig: Just let me have this lie!

Anne: [sighs] My revolutionary ideas were supposed to save you guys, not get you killed. I shouldn't have so stubborn. I just really wanted to share a pizza with you guys.

Hop Pop: Ah, I didn't care about that pizza stuff anyway. But you were really trying to help this family out, and that's worth something in my book.

Anne: Your book? That's it. Is there anything in the old ways that could help us right now?

Hop Pop: Well, I don't know. Nothing especially useful. Just that the throat of this giant tomato plant is absolutely delicious eaten raw.

[loud burp]



[all yelling]

[all roaring]

[loud groaning]

Polly: [spits] Know your place, plant!

[bell tolling]

Anne: There isn't much time. Let's go home and make one of your old recipes, Hop Pop.

Hop Pop: Yup. But maybe we can spruce it up with something a little dangerous.

Frog: Yup. Still up here. Still need help.

Frog #1: Put it right over here.

Frog #2: Just a little touch of goodness.

Frog #3 A few more bug legs should do it.

Frog #4 Is that fly gonna say up there?

Anne/Hop Pop: Perfect.


Mayor Toadstool: All right! Let the annual potluck begin! Let's get to tastin' those dishes. Mmm! That is "scrumptious." Oh! Ooh! What have we here? [chomping] Oh, that is delicious! Yeah! Excellent effort! And last, but not least-- [sighs] the Plantars. What filth have you cooked up this ti-- Hmm? Tomato? That's awfully dangerous. [chuckles] Mmm. Mmm. Mmm!


Mayor Toadstool: Why, I do declare! This is the best dish the Plantar family has ever brought to a potluck!

Hop Pop: What?

[all gasping]

Sprig: What? Did we do it? Did we actually win?

Mayor Toadstool: Win? No! No, no, no, no, no, no. Oh, it's better than usual, but it's still terrible. Last place, as usual.

[sad "wah-wah" theme plays]

Mayor Toadstool: You folks should know the way to the shame cage by now. Hurry along. All right, boys, light it up.

[all sigh]

Sprig: Cheer up, guys. Sure we came in last. Again. But thanks to Anne's new ideas and Hop Pop's old ones, we've done the best we've ever done.

Hop Pop: You know, he's right.

Polly: Yeah!

Anne: We did, didn't we? Uh, this is weird, but... any chance I could squeeze in there?

Hop Pop: How 'bout it, Carl?

Carl: The more the merrier.

Hop Pop: [chuckles] Hear that?

Sprig: Get in here, you crazy kid.

Anne: Whoo-hoo!

Carl: [grunting]

Anne: Well, if we can't share a pizza, at least we can share this. And you know, honestly, this isn't so bad... Hey, what the heck? What was that?

Sprig: Ooh, I forgot to mention the shame nuggets.

[crowd jeering]

Frogs: You people should be ashamed!

Mr. Flour: Hey! That's my son-in-law!

Sprig: Hi.

Polly: Is that the best you got?

Hop Pop: [sighs] Tradition is such a beautiful--[gets hit by a shame nugget] Son of a slug!

ve Episode transcripts
Season 1 1. Anne or Beast?/Best Fronds • 2. Cane Crazy/Flood, Sweat & Tears • 3. Hop Luck/Stakeout • 4. The Domino Effect/Taking Charge • 5. Anne Theft Auto/Breakout Star • 6. Sprig Vs. Hop Pop/Girl Time • 7. Dating Season/Anne Vs. Wild • 8. Contagi-Anne/Family Shrub • 9. Lily Pad Thai/Plantar's Last Stand • 10. Toad Tax/Prison Break • 11. Grubhog Day/Hop Pop and Lock • 12. Civil Wart/Hop-Popular • 13. Croak & Punishment/Trip to the Archives • 14. Snow Day/Cracking Mrs. Croaker • 15. A Night at the Inn/Wally and Anne • 16. Family Fishing Trip/Bizarre Bazaar • 17. Cursed!/Fiddle Me This • 18. The Big Bugball Game/Combat Camp • 19. Children of the Spore/Anne of the Year • 20. Reunion
Season 2 1. Handy Anne/Fort in the Road • 2. The Ballad of Hopediah Plantar/Anne Hunter • 3. Truck Stop Polly/A Caravan Named Desire • 4. Quarreler's Pass/Toadcatcher • 5. Swamp and Sensibility/Wax Museum • 6. Marcy at the Gates • 7. Scavenger Hunt/The Plantars Check In • 8. Lost in Newtopia/Sprig Gets Schooled • 9. Little Frogtown/Hopping Mall • 10. The Sleepover to End All Sleepovers/A Day at the Aquarium • 11. The Shut-In! • 12. Night Drivers/Return to Wartwood • 13. Ivy on the Run/After the Rain • 14. The First Temple • 15. New Wartwood/Friend or Frobo? • 16. Toad to Redemption/Maddie & Marcy • 17. The Second Temple/Barrel's Warhammer • 18. Bessie & MicroAngelo/The Third Temple • 19. The Dinner/Battle of the Bands • 20. True Colors
Season 3 1. The New Normal • 2. Hop 'Til You Drop/Turning Point • 3. Thai Feud/Adventures in Catsitting • 4. Fight at the Museum/Temple Frogs • 5. Fixing Frobo/Anne-sterminator • 6. Mr. X/Sprig's Birthday • 7. Spider-Sprig/Olivia & Yunan • 8. Hollywood Hop Pop/If You Give a Frog a Cookie • 9. Froggy Little Christmas • 10. Escape to Amphibia • 11. Commander Anne/Sprivy • 12. Sasha's Angels/Olm Town Road • 13. Mother of Olms/Grime's Pupil • 14. The Root of Evil/The Core & The King • 15. Newts in Tights/Fight or Flight • 16. The Three Armies/The Beginning of the End • 17. All In • 18. The Hardest Thing