"Hope Like a Frog!" is the second animated short of the Amphibia short series Vlogs from the Bog. It premiered on September 8, 2021, on Disney Channel's YouTube channel.
Why walk when you can hop?! Sprig and Polly show Anne how to hop like a frog!
Anne is in the woods with Sprig and Polly, who are showing her and the viewers how to hop properly. After a few tries, the Plantar kids are dumbfounded by Anne's inadequate performance and question when her legs grew, only to be grossed out when she mentions humans are born with their legs. Believing Anne needs to focus under pressure, Sprig tells her to hop over a pond of lake leeches and she successfully does so after one scares her. As Anne cheers, she falls backwards into the pond and a leech attacks her and Sprig while another goes to eat her phone.
- The short originally was released on September 8, 2021. However, it was removed and released again with a different outro on September 9, 2021, featuring the "Welcome to Amphibia" song, rather than a repeat of the audio from this short.
- Polly is still a tadpole in this short, meaning it takes place prior to the events of "True Colors", where her legs come out.
- Both Anne's ears are visible at the beginning of the short, although only her left ear should be visible from that angle.
- In a scene at the beginning, a part of the black outline around Polly's right eye is missing. The line gets fixed when Polly starts moving again.
- When Anne attempts to do the Toad Twist, her hair on the right of her neck gets in front of her neck for a few frames, before going back to its right place.