(Open on the Boonchuy residence. Anne opens the door, yawns, and heads for the mailbox, but is stopped by the Plantars.)
Sprig, Polly and Hop Pop
(with their puppy dog faces) Where you going, Anne?
Uuuhh... the mailbox...
Sounds exciting! (While he shakes up Hop Pop) Can we come? Please? Please?
Uuuhh... Yeah. I guess.
Sprig, Polly and Hop Pop
(run to put on some disguises) YAY! WOO-HOO!
(Anne goes out to the mailbox, and then Hop Pop, Sprig and Polly come out dressed as humans. The latter two now each have their own.)
You know, I used to only get the mail to intercept my report card. Buy these days-- (finds out that the Plantars are not there) HUH?
(as she looks at a couple of cool kids) Hey, smallish humans! (Seeing that the two cool kids don't stop, she dodges them in a jump. Screams) HEY! WATCH IT! You overgrown stinkbugs!
(The two cool kids stop.)
Cool girl
What did you call us?
(runs to Polly) (nervous) Sorry, sorry... She's just (grabs Polly) a baby. (chuckles and runs off after putting Polly in her hair)
Cool boy
Weirdest baby I've ever seen.
(Now a lumberjack is shown shredding firewood with a wood chipper. When he leaves, Sprig comes out of his hiding place and takes a look at the part where firewood comes in.)
Ooooh! That looks fun...
SPRIG, NO! (grabs Sprig) (pants)
Hop Pop
A free vacation? (Anne gasps as she sees him talking to a scammer) Just for listening to your talk? Well, sign me up.
(Anne grabs Hop Pop from his right lock. Now Anne takes the Plantars straight back to the Boonchuy residence. She closes the front door.)
(In the kitchen, Anne takes out a can of orange drink, closes the refrigerator and drinks the drink quickly. Mr. and Mrs. Boonchuy notice her.)
Mr. Boonchuy
Something wrong, kiddo?
Where do I start? Polly nearly got in a fight, Hop Pop was seconds away from getting scammed and Sprig almost got turned into wood chips.
Mrs. Boonchuy
Wait, Sprig is made out of wood?
(groans) (tired) I'm exhausted just trying to keep them all alive.
Mrs. Boonchuy
(laughs) Sounds like being a parent.
Mr. Boonchuy
The trick is to ease them into the world. Slow and steady like how I'm easing this egg into-- (tries to crack an egg on the pan, but by his force, drops the egg and half its shell into the pan) Dang it!
Mrs. Boonchuy
Just be patient. This is all new for them.
You're right. Slow and steady.
(Anne returns to the living room while she is calm and vocalizes. But then she gasps as she sees what Sprig, Polly, and Hop Pop do.)
(stretches his tongue to touch some ventilation blades) Bleh!
(As she watches the cool kids out the window) Think you're tough? Bring it on, humans!
Hop Pop
(On a phone talking to another scammer) Free money? And all I have to do is gave you my bank account numbers?
(Anne gets angry and screams. She closes the curtains, takes the phone from Hop Pop, and with a broom, pulls Sprig off the ceiling.)
Nope! Slow and steady ain't gonna cut it. You three will be dead in two days!
Is that a threat!
You Ok, Anne?
Hop Pop
Here. (offers her some paperwork) Take this free stress test I got from that guy.
(slaps it off his hand) No. The responsible thing to do is to train you all at once at the most chaotic and dangerous place I know.
(Willowbrook Mall is shown.)
The Mall! Where I learned life's most important skills. (speaks to the Plantars) And where you're gonna learn the lessons you need to survive in my world.
Hop Pop
(scoffs) Survive? Your world is soft, Anne.
Yeah... I mean, the animals don't even try to disembowel you.
Yeah... (while the Plantars walk) We don't need no stinking--
(The Plantars fall down an escalator, while Anne makes an "obvious" face. She goes down the escalator.)
Hop Pop
Ouch! (clears throat) Proceed.
(taking out her cell phone) I've come up with a specific task for each of you. First up, Polly. You need to control your temper. It's drawing too much attention and we're trying to keep a low profile.
I say what I want when I want!
Maybe in Wartwood, but not here. Your mission is (pointing to the store "Construct-A-Carnivore") to go into that store a build a custom plushy without fighting anyone.
Ha... Child's play.
Sprig, you can't touch everything or you're gonna lose a limb.
(desperate) But there's so many new surfaces and textures.
Your mission is (pointing to the Gallery of Art Installations) to walk through that Gallery of Art Installations without touching any of them.
Heh... looks simple enough.
Finally, Hop Pop. You need to stop talking free stuff. In my world, everything has a price.
Hop Pop
Then why did they call it "free", Anne? Mmm? Because they think I'm gullible and easily scammed?
Hop Pop
Oh well. That's actually pretty clever.
(pointing to the Hall of Scammers) Your mission is to make it through Kiosk Alley without falling for any free scams.
(The Hall of Scammers is shown.)
I'll be watching all of you for up here. You got 20 minutes to complete your mission. (turns her back and crosses her arms)
And if one of us screws up?
Then you can't be trusted to leave the house... (with an intimidating face) eeeeeeeeeeeveeeeeeeeeer.
Hop Pop
Since when do you set the stakes?
(The Plantars run towards their assigned spots, but collide in one part.)
Oh boy...
(Polly enters the "Construct-A-Carnivore" store.)
Piece of cake. (blows raspberry) Hhhmm... (takes a torso) This will do. (takes a purple left arm) Yoink. (takes a blue right arm) Yoink. (checks some ears and a nose) Mmm no, thanks. (goes to a table with her pieces) Don't know why Anne thought this would be difficult. (A baby takes the blue right arm) Huh?
(retrospective voice) Build a custom plushy without fighting anyone.
(loving) Oh... hello there. I think there's been a misunderstanding. But that's-- (Baby spits saliva at her) What the...? Hey, lady! Your chubby spawn is running my work.
Mother 1
Did you call my kid a spawn?
(thinking) Focus, Polly. Don't make a scene. (sighs) Know what? It's fine. (Another baby takes the purple left arm) I'll just get more-- HEY! (3 other babies take the torso) Hey! (One of those 3 babies bites him) (is trying to contain her fury) Just... contain... FURY!
(The scene changes to the Gallery of Art Installations, where Sprig begins to tour it.)
(trying to contain his temptation) Whoooa... Such textures to explore. (gasps when he sees brilliant art) Whoooa"! (jumps to it and giggles)
(retrospective voice) (with an intimidating face) Then you can't be trusted to leave the house... eeeeeeeeeeeveeeeeeeeeer.
(stops and stands) It's fine. Totally fine. I can just look and appreciate from afar. (walks and is humming) (But for every art, he's getting nervous and he pants) (groans at the sight of bigger and brighter art. He gets his hands ready, but he gets ready to control himself) (grunts) Come on, Sprig, FIGHT IT... (punches himself and he's punching himself a lot)
Men 1
(talking to his couple while looking Sprig) Must be some kind of performance piece.
(The scene changes to the Hall of Scammers, where Hop Pop begins to cross it.)
Scammer 1
Sir, how would you like a free gift card?
Hop Pop
Scammer 2
You there, do you wanna regrow that hair? (Hop Pop groans louder) I know you do.
Scammer 3
Hey (stops Hop Pop) there, handsome. Wanna start your modeling career with some headshots? Just need your ID. It's 100% no strings attached... (in slow motion) freeee.
(Hop Pop tries to contain himself, but takes out his wallet. He then slaps himself, puts his wallet away and quickly paces elsewhere.)
(Meanwhile, a Mall official named Mark blows his stomach for his food.)
Official Mark
Oof... (throws the leftovers into the trash can) It's the last time I get sushi out of the vending machine. Mmm? (watches Hop Pop as he walks casually. then he looks at a sign that says "STRANGER. DANGER" and the silhouette of a man in a hat and mysterious clothes) (gasps) (speaks through his Walkie-Talkie) Mark here. Got a suspicious looking C.O.D. Creepy Old Dude, on radar. I'm in pursuit.
(Officer Mark starts chasing Hop Pop on his Segway.)
(Now it goes back to Anne.)
(hums) So far, so good. The Anne Boonchuy trial by fire is really paying off.
O-M-G... Anne? Is it really you? (hugs her) Where have you been? Is it true you went missing or ran away or died or something?
Don't be ridiculous, Gabby. I was just on my family's farm. In... Alaska... for five months.
Well, now that you're back, I got to catch you up on all the hot gossip.
Listen, I'm sorta--
So... Bridget got mad at Carlos 'cause she thought Carlos went to the movies with (Anne tries to go aside, but she interferes with her) Johanna, but it was actually Yoko (Anne tries to go on the other side, but she interferes her again). So then Yoko and Bridget stopped being BFF's until they both got mad at Tommy because Tommy said "We've only been dating since second grade, we're not soul mates".
(Back with Sprig, he is overwhelmed on the floor crawling.)
(desperate) I can't do this. These things are so cool. (turns around and sees Anne)
Yeah... and then I said "Dude, you're gonna get caught", right? So obvious.
(gets up with a reaction) Chance. (turns around, stands up and goes to the big and bright art) (touches a glass) Tooouch... (touches a steel with barbed) (touched some cottons on his cheeks) Feeling... (swung with a rope with cotton hanging towards the giant eye and enjoys it) (chuckles) (Suddenly, the rope with cotton hanging breaks, the cotton bounces down the tines, passes through the red wheel, passes through a lever and ends up lowering the lever with a sign that says "Caution! Disassembly Lever.") Uh-oh...
(Art is disarmed and that makes Sprig rode in the giant eye, provoked serious structural damage on the road.)
(Back with Polly, she is about to finish her doll, although how many babies interfere.)
Almost... (manages to finish her doll) DONE! Ha! (departs babies from his way) Haha!
(However, babies push Polly, making the doll fly through the air towards another baby. That baby picks it up.)
Baby of Purple Costume
(babbles) Destroy?
(desperate) No! Please! (falls on her knees) I'm so tired... this madness needs to stop!
Baby of Purple Costume
(babbles) Destroy. (breaks the doll)
(Polly runs and screams to that baby and a fight explodes. All the babies go against her.)
Mother 2
(While she tries to stop her baby) Can someone get the manager?!
(Back with Hop Pop, he goes to a Fountain of Wishes, satisfied to overcome his mission.)
Hop Pop
(chuckles) Take that, Anne. Told you your world was easy-pea-- (gasps to see how many coins in the source) It can't be... Thousands of coppers just there for the taking... FOR FREEEEEE?! (looks at Anne)
They didn't know it but they ended up going to the same restaurant.
Hop Pop
Chance. (takes out his hat, sack and shelter and pulls to the Fountain)
(The official Mark finds out the moment.)
Official Mark
(gasps) (speaks through his Walkie-Talkie) We got a disrober stealing wishes in progress. Over. (goes after Hop Pop)
(Back with Anne and Gabby...)
So what started out as a love triangle is now some kind of disgusting love rhombus.
(gasps when she saw Sprig in danger)
(A sample of panic is shown by Sprig rolling through the giant eye.)
Oh shoot... (runs while she says goodbye to Gabby) Good to see you, Gabs. Got to go.
Later, Anne! Glad you made it back from Alaska!
(Anne runs down the escalator to save Sprig, but then she listens to Polly screaming.)
(is being persecuted by mothers with their babies in their chariots) (screams) GANGWAY! ANGRY MOMS COMING TROUGH! (babies are throwing things)
(tries to calm down) At least it can't get any worse.
Hop Pop
HELP ME, ANNE! HELP ME! (is being persecuted by the officer Mark) (screams)
Hop Pop
Ok. First things first: Gotta clean up this mess! (runs)
(It shows a mother recording her child jumping on a trampoline.)
Mother 3
You're doing great, sweetie.
(Anne makes a great leap through the trampoline, causing the child to fly through the air and screams. Her mother takes a picture.)
(Sprig is about to hit a wall, but Anne manages to save him on time. Meanwhile, the giant eye along with what was stuck, broke, causing a new abstract sculpture. A woman notes it.)
Honestly, I can't tell the difference. Oh, hey... bada-bing.
(Anne runs and grabs Polly and go to a dead end. The three mothers stop by confused Anne with someone else sitting on a bench, while at her side Sprig with Polly on top of him and covering with hooded cap.)
Can I help you, ladies?
Mother 1
Why, yes. We're looking for a ruffian who was making trouble for our little angels.
I've got just the guy. (speaks to the official Mark) Excuse me, sir. I have a number of ladies here who would like to complain.
(The four mothers are directed to the official Mark.)
Mother 1
You listen here, mister... (The mothers are complaining about the official Mark)
Official Mark
Aaaah... (speaks through his Walkie-Talkie) Headquarters, I've got a pack of M.I.D.'s. That is Moms In Distress. Send backup. (is being abducted by mothers) Send backup!
Mother 1
...the manager!
(Anne and the Plantars run and leave the Mall. Sprig went to another side, but Anne grabs him. When stopping in a distant part of the Mall, Anne and the Plantars are panting.)
Well (sits), guess we failed out trials.
Oh, you think?
No no. I'M the one who failed. I shouldn't put you guys through all of this in the first place. It was too much and too soon.
Hop Pop
Don't feel too bad. Turns out we could stand to learn a few things about your world.
I just really thought throwing you into the deep end would work. I mean, it worked for me in Amphibia.
Sprig, Polly and Hop Pop
Uuh... (scoffing) (laughing) (Sprig shakes a brief moment, causing Polly to stagger. They laugh even stronger)
Hop Pop
You barely survived.
Yeah. Remember when she was looking at her phone and walked right into that pool of quicksand?
(Flashback of Anne being sunk by that pool of quicksand and the Plantars will rescue her.)
(Back to the present...)
Or when she was napping outside and a swarm of Skullsuckers tried to carry her away?
(Flashback of Anne asleep while being carried by Skullsuckers and the Plantars are going to rescue her.)
(Back to the present...)
(The Plantars are still laughing even stronger.)
Hey, I don't remember that last part.
Hop Pop
Anne, we were always looking out for you, even if you didn't always notice.
Thanks, guys. I had no idea. And I'll try to do better about easing you into this place.
(Anne and the Plantars embrace.)
I think we need to get Hop Pop to a shower.
Hop Pop
Oh, yes, please. My skin is burning.