"Heartstomper" is a song performed by Sasha (Anna Akana) in the episode "Battle of the Bands" and the EP of the same name.
It uses the uplifting section of the "Sasha's Theme" leitmotif as the melody for its verses.
The song was first heard when Sasha and Toadie are rehearsing for the Wartwood Battle of the Bands. It was mentioned earlier while The Sharps are rehearsing and Sasha suggests playing her song "Heartstomper", noting that it was a hit back home, but Anne wants to play her song "No Big Deal" instead. The whole song does not get sung in the episode as Toadie falls down from being overworked by Sasha while playing the trumpet.
Sasha: I'm a heart stomper
Stompin' on hearts
If you want to get away
You're gonna need a head start
- Take it away Toadie!
- Play the drums!
- Blow the horn!
An extended version of the song was created for the EP.
- Don't mess this up for me guys.
- Here we go.
Sasha: I'm a heart stomper
Stompin' on hearts
If you want to get away
You're gonna need a head start
I can keep this up forever
If you're trying to feel better
Take it up with someone else
You can call it too cutthroat
I'll stomp a heart like a roach
I'm just lookin' out for myself
I'm a heartbreaker breaking those hearts
You can tell me that's not me
But I’m perfect for the part
I can keep this up forever
If you're trying to feel better
Take it up with someone else
You can call it too cutthroat
I'll stomp a heart like a roach
I'm just lookin' out for myself
- Come on, Anne!
- On the beat, please Marcy!
I can keep this up forever
If you're trying to feel better
Take it up with someone else
You can call it too cutthroat
I'll stomp a heart like a roach
I'm just lookin' out for myself
I’m a heart stomper!