Amphibia Wiki

Grime's harp is a musical instrument used by Grime to compete in the Battle of the Bands.


It is a large golden harp with a goose as its figurehead.


In "Battle of the Bands", Grime is the final contestant and plays a 3-hour long piece dedicated to the serenity of nature on his harp. The music is so beautiful it even impresses Anne, Marcy, and Sasha. Toadstool and Duckweed declare Grime winner of the Battle of the Bands, leaving the girls disappointed but Sasha deeming it worth it to have fun with her friends on stage.

ve Objects
Weapons Anne's racketSprig's slingshotDorisMantis ScytheSasha's heron swordsKing Andrias' laser swordMarcy's crossbowBarrel's WarhammerLaser scytheTritonio's ancestral swordEuropean Flail
Technology Anne's phoneSasha's phoneMarcy's phoneSkip ManInterdimensional portalNewtopia CastleNewtopian CrownFrobotMind-controlling collarDyoplosaurusFrakes Field Watch
Books Hop Pop's Road RulesMarcy's journalDr. P's Extraordinary Guide To Magic & MysteryIn the Heat of the SwampCynthia CovenSo, You're a Failed ActorBeasts of Amphibia
Artifacts Calamity BoxFrog VasePlantar caneTiger Moth's Eye
Food Amphibia Bug RoastArroy Arroy Fish SauceAvocadoBasilBeetle JerkyBlue Moon BerriesCheeseCheesy FliesChocopede PancakeDung Beetle SconesExtra SpicyMaggot LarbPain PeppersSal's Famous SauceScream BeanSlug GruelSlumberdoodleSlumberdoodle CookiesSquid And Basil SpecialSwamp Mold Pot PieTomatoVolcakenoWebby Candy
Drinks Beau-TeaBlam Berry BlitzBog GrogGourd TeaSwamp Slushy
Other Anne's penAnne's shoe"BFFs" photoCalamity GemsCopperGrime's harpRoyal Credit CardSprig's fiddle