Amphibia Wiki
This is a transcribed copy of Escape to Amphibia.
Feel free to edit or add to this page, as long as the information comes directly from the episode.
Previous: "Froggy Little Christmas" Next: "Commander Anne"

Part 1[]

Speaker Dialogue
(The episode begins at night focusing on the secret FBI headquarters, where lots of footage of Anne and the Plantars are on a monitor.)
FBI Chief OK, this is getting hard to ignore, X. (turns in his seat) What do you know about these amphibious extraterrestrials?
Mr. X (while Jenny is at his right side) Who can say? Maybe a lot? Maybe nothing?
FBI Chief (stands up) Don't be coy, X.
Mr. X Sorry. Coy is my default setting.
FBI Chief I want these three taken into custody today. What do you need to get the job done?
Mr. X (hands him a couple of folders) Nothing much. (the FBI Chief checks a page) Tricked-out vans, thermal tracking equipment, a mobile HQ with cutting-edge power systems, (points at him) kombucha on tap.
FBI Chief Kombucha on tap? (points him) Don't push it, X. Just neutralize the threat.
Mr. X Yes, sir. (the FBI Chief leaves the room and closes the door) This is it, Jenners. (makes a pose) Living the dream. (They high 5, make movements with their fingers and snap.)
(The next day, in a distant garage, the Boonchuys, the Plantars, Dr. Jan, and Terri are shown working on a prototype portal.)
Hop Pop OOOHH! (looks at a slice of toast with avocado) Got to love this avocado roast. (eats it)
Anne It's avocado toast, dude.
Hop Pop In Amphibia, the avocados are covered with poisoned barbs that cause blindness. But here they're just creamy and delicious.
Sprig How's the portal going, Terri?
Terri Pretty good. Come over here. (Anne and the Plantars approach her station) When you told me the Calamity Box, I wondered, "Why a music box?" Then it hit me. (reference images are shown on some monitors) The musical notes function as coordinates. There are countless worlds in the multiverse. Infinite possibilities and those ancient Newts discovered a way to pinpoint worlds with music.
Anne, Sprig, Polly and Hop Pop (applaud her) OOOOOH!
Terri Now, the million-dollar question: Does anyone remember a song playing when they were in a portal between here and Amphibia?
Anne, Sprig, Polly and Hop Pop (humming)
Terri (stops them) One at a time, please.
Anne I think it was... (humming)
Terri (imitates the hum playing a small piano, adjusts a couple of levers) Finger crossed, everyone. (presses the "ENTER" button)
(The portal is turned on, with about 3 energy sources and the engine of Dr. Jan's car, the power is increased. It is possible to open a portal, but it is small.)
Anne, Sprig and Polly Whoa!
Hop Pop It's working!
Terri That's as big as I can make it. Do you see anything?
(Anne and the Plantars look through a telescope at the portal, it shows a party of giant dragonflies and a large red mantis roaring and about to eat a rat.)
Anne (while the Plantars are overjoyed) Oh, gross.
Sprig Yay!
Hop Pop That's home all right.
Sprig (walks to the portal) I wonder if the mantis (turns) can smell us.
(The mantis sniffs the group, passes through his right arm about to attack Sprig.)
(Sprig screams at the sight of danger. He dodges it just as the mantis attacks him. Terri runs to some outlets while she pants. She unplugs all those plugs while grunts. The portal closes, breaking his arm through the portal.)
Mr. Boonchuy (while hiding behind a box together with Mrs. Boonchuy) That's your world?
Hop Pop Home sweet home.
Anne Nice job, Terri.
Terri Thanks. I need way more power to make the portal bigger, but we're on the right track.
Anne I don't believe it. We're so close to getting back to Amphibia. Next stop, defeat Andrias and save my friends.
Dr. Jan (takes her on her left shoulder) Wow, Anne. You are one impressive kid. You know that?
Anne Really?
Dr. Jan Traveling to another world, leaving your parents (hughs her) behind again, not knowing when you'll see them next. That's brave.
Anne Hmm... I hadn't really... thought about that until now. (sees Mr. and Mrs. Boonchuy talking to the Plantars)
Mr. Boonchuy I would not believe it if I hadn't just seen it.
Mrs. Boonchuy That was incredible. (she and Mr. Boonchuy look Anne) (Anne feels a brief sorrow)
Terri All right, everyone, listen up. Dr. Jan and I think we can get the portal bigger but here's a list of supplies (texts the Boonchuys a list) I think we're gonna need. (the Boonchuys receive it and check it)
Mr. Boonchuy 50,000 kilowatts of power generators, 400 cubic meters of ice, eight gallons of yogurt-covered pretzels...
Mrs. Boonchuy The portal needs yogurt-covered pretzels?
Terri Yes.
Mr. Boonchuy Looks like the only place we'll find all this is... (makes a pose) SPENDCO!
Hop Pop (the Plantars are confused) Spend... what?
(The Boonchuys and the Plantars arrive at SpendCo. The Plantars are inside a market cart.)
Anne, Mr. and Mrs. Boonchuy (show them the place) SPENDCO!
Sprig, Polly and Hop Pop WHOOOOAAA!
(A couple of SpendCo parts are shown.)
SpendCo seller Samples. Get your samples.
Sprig It's massive.
Polly Beautiful.
Hop Pop They got avocados here?
Anne They've got everything here.
(A surveillance camera is hacked. Watch Anne and the Plantars. It is noted that Mr. X hacked her and her identities are confirmed by thermal imaging. He rejoices. Back with the Boonchuys and the Plantars...)
Polly (after getting out of the cart and takes Frobo) Come on, Frobo! (runs to a part of SpendCo) SHOPPING SPREE!
Hop Pop (speaks to Mrs. Boonchuy) (excited) Which way to the avocados?
Sprig (speaks to Mrs. Boonchuy) (excited) Toys! Toys! Where are the toys?!
Mrs. Boonchuy (points them towards a corridor)
Sprig and Hop Pop (jump out of the car and run to the hallway pointed) WHOOO!
Anne (while looks her cell phone) No hopping.
Sprig Sorry!
Mr. Boonchuy (scares her with a toy lightsaber) (has a mask on) We meet again, Anne Boonchuy. The only way to save your father is to defeat me. (pass her the toy lightsaber)
Anne (sighs) Dad, I'm too old for this.
Mr. Boonchuy (he takes off his mask) Aww, really?
Anne (attacks him) Nope!
(Anne throws a couple of fits at Mr. Boonchuy. She ducks and jumps onto a pile, jumps onto another and manages to knock it down. He ends up on the floor.)
Mr. Boonchuy (screams and grunts) Hey! Go easy on your old man.
Anne Whoa! Sorry...
Mrs. Boonchuy (wears a big black hood) (mimes stabbing her with a larger toy lightsaber) Gotcha! (Anne screams) I was your mother the whole time.
Anne (dramatic) Space parents are the worst! (groans and falls to the ground)
Anne, Mr. and Mrs. Boonchuy (laugh)
SpendCo employee Hey, you can't play with those!
Mr. Boonchuy Everybody scatter! (the Boonchuys runs away) (Mrs. Boonchuy screams and take off the hood)
SpendCo employee Come back here! (looks around) (takes the larger toy lightsaber and plays with it)
Mr. Boonchuy If you have a saber display, you're gonna get a Boonchuy battle.
Mrs. Boonchuy That's just the way it goes.
Anne Dang right.
(The Boonchuys give a high-5 and then laugh. But afterwards, Anne suffers a sorrow, remembering she'll have to say goodbye to them, for which she sighs. Mr. and Mrs. Boonchuy notice her.)
Mr. Boonchuy Hey, are you all right?
Anne (sobs) (turns) Yeah. Totally. (sniffles) (goes for Sprig) I gotta go find Sprig. (Mr. and Mrs. Boonchuy are concerned)
(Anne meets with Sprig.)
Sprig Anne, check this thing out. Booyah! (he throws a water balloon at her with a Balloon Flinger 5000. The balloon hits a wall just as Anne stops.)
Anne Hmm?
Sprig Uuhh... are you OK?
Anne What? Oh yeah. I-it didn't hit me.
Sprig But are you OK... (points to her heart with a cute face) in here?
Anne (sighs) Not really. I've been so focused on opening the portal and (sits) getting back to Amphibia, I haven't thought about what I'll be leaving on this side. My parents.
Sprig I get it. They're pretty great. What if we wait a couple days? You can spend more time with your parents. I'm sure Amphibia can wait a little while longer.
Anne Hmm... I suppose that could be a good idea.
Hop Pop Gangway! (returns with a huge batch of avocados)
Anne (stands up) Holy guacamole!
Hop Pop Hey, kids!
Sprig Hop Pop, what is all this stuff?
Hop Pop Avocado hummus, avocado oil, avocado face masks. There's avocado everything! When I share it all with Amphibia, (excited) we'll be set for life!
(Frobo appears now upgraded as an R/C car, runs to the side, does some side flips, runs up a ramp made up of a couple of boxes, and after flying briefly, knocks over a pyramid of plastic cups. He turns around several times, stopping with a flirtatious face. He now returns Polly with a little cart full of DVD's.)
Polly You like Frobo's new treads? We stopped by the R/C car aisle.
Anne (points it) What's with the DVDs?
Polly Oh... nothing much. (takes a DVD disc out of its box) Just my favorite Die Difficulty films. (plays the disk to Frobo and he plays it) Bryce Wallace is an action movie genius.
Anne I don't think this movie is age-appropiate.
Polly (while Frobo closes the playback) Anyway. (she and Frobo go elsewhere) See you nerds later. We're gonna go check out.
Hop Pop (goes elsewhere) Mr. Boonchuy has like eight credit cards.
Polly and Hop Pop (laugh)
Mr. Boonchuy Hey, have you guys seen my wallet?
(Half an hour later, in the parking lot, Mr. Boonchuy packs the last box of avocados into the car.)
Mr. Boonchuy All right, (cleans his hands) that's the last of it. See? I told you it would all fit, (the Plantars and Frobo are shown to be packed with all purchases) (a little Tetris tune is heard) right, guys?
Hop Pop (gives him a thumbs up) Snug as a bug, Mr. Boonchuy.
Polly Stack more on me! I can take it.
Mrs. Boonchuy I knew there was a reason I married you.
(Suddenly, 4 FBI patrols and 2 FBI helicopters surround the Boonchuys and the Plantars. They are startled by the presence. On the trucks, many soldiers appear and surround them. On a patrol, Mr. X appears, pulling a wheel out of his left shoe and rolling towards them.)
Mr. X Looks like we've caught you at last, my little froggies.
Hop Pop (nervous) (chuckles) Frogs? What frogs?
(With his smart watch, Mr. X activates a red laser and launches it at Hop Pop. Making a few moves on it, all of his clothes are shredded, leaving only his underwear and shoes. He ribbits. The Boonchuys make a sign.)
Anne Quick, you guys! Run! (she and the Plantars flee while Mr. and Mrs. Boonchuy covers their way)
(Jenny takes a small cannon and throws a net at Anne's feet, causing her to fall. The Plantars find out what happened.)
Sprig Anne! Oh no!
Polly Get up, girl!
(A huge FBI big man takes on the Plantars. They get scared and try to break free, but he's too strong. Mr. X walks over to Anne and crouches down to get a closer look.)
Mr. X Anne... So we finally have a name. I gotta say, kid, you've caused me a lot of grief but... that's all over now. (stands up and walks back to the patrol) Pack it up, boys.
Huge FBI big man What about the girl and her parents?
Mr. X (sees the Boonchuys briefly while they are scared) Leave 'em. There's nothing they can do now. (enters the patrol and after sitting down and closing the door, Jenny starts to drive)
(The huge FBI big man takes the Plantars to a cage and locks them up while they are clamoring.)
Anne (desperate) GUYS! NO!!!
Sprig, Polly and Hop Pop (desperate) AAAANNNE!!!
(Close the doors of the patrol. The whole FBI group leaves.)
Mr. Boonchuy (pulls out a folding knife) Go after them! I know! (unties Anne with the knife)

Part 2[]

Speaker Dialogue
(Mrs. Boonchuy drives at full speed chasing the FBI.)
Anne Geez, Mom. Where'd you learn to drive like this?
Mrs. Boonchuy (while Mr. Boonchuy contemplates her skill) This is nothing. Try driving through Bangkok during rush hour.
Mr. Boonchuy (As the FBI patrol turns left and the traffic light is changing color) We're losing them!
Mrs. Boonchuy Not on my watch! (swerves into an alley between two buildings)
(The car dodges a lot of objects, and jumps up because of a mattress but hits nothing. But then at the end of the alley there is a dumpster blocking most of the path.)
Mrs. Boonchuy (confident, prideful) Heh.
(The car swerves to the left and practically flies, dodging the dumpster. In slow motion, Anne and Mr. Boonchuy are screaming, but Mrs. Boonchuy knows what she's doing. While Mr. Boonchuy is screaming, he looks out the window and at a rat in the dumpster that is screaming too. But they landed safely on the road, and behind the FBI, continuing the car chase.)
Mr. Boonchuy (points) Look!
(The FBI patrol arrives at their headquarters. The Boonchuys stop, and hide as they watch.)
Mr. Boonchuy (gasps) Must be their HQ.
Mrs. Boonchuy Time to scope thing out.
(Mrs. Boonchuy drives elsewhere. The family observes the place from above on a bend in the road.)
Mr. Boonchuy Looks pretty secure.
Mrs. Boonchuy Well, what now?
Anne I... think this is more than the three of us can handle. It's time (takes out her cell phone) to call for backup.
(Meanwhile, in the interrogation room, a white light lamp is turned on. Mr. X approaches a couple of steps, beginning to question.)
Hop Pop (While it is shown that it is tied on a plank) Geez. We thespians love the spotlight, but can you turn this thing down?
Mr. X (Approaches him abruptly and brings the lamp closer to him) Who do you work for?
Hop Pop No one. I been working for myself since I took over the farm.
Mr. X The farm... Is that you call your nefarious alien headquarters?
Hop Pop I... What? Nooo... Say, do you guys have any avocado toast? (Mr. X gets upset)
(A few minutes later, Mr. X begins to question Sprig and tied to the plank. Sprig is not wearing his mask or shoes.)
Mr. X (walks up to him from behind) All right, pinkie, I wanna know everything. (crouches to his right as abruptly approaches him) Start from the beginning.
Sprig I was born on a humid swampy evening. (with a cute face) Just a tiny, cute tadpole with big dreams.
Mr. X Uugh...
(Another few minutes later, Mr. X interrogates Polly already tied to the plank.)
Mr. X (walks a little towards her) What's your master plan?
Polly (only wearing her bow) Duh. To eliminate my enemies and take over the world!
Mr. X (while forms a right punch) AHA! Now we're (shaking the punch) getting somewhere. (clasps his fingers in front) Tell me more.
Polly Sheesh. We're gonna be here awhile. (takes out a long list and a small reading glasses) Ok. So there's (reading in high voice) Duckweed, Buck, Gary, Tritonio, Barry, Gunther, Lucy, Nelly, (Mr. X fills up) Clifford, Lacey, Hartford--
Mr. X (as raises his right hand in a stop sign) ENOUGH! OK. New tactic. (takes out Frobo, who is wearing a wheel cap on his front-right wheel) (points him) What is this thing? Some kind of bomb?
Polly Ooohh. HE'S the bomb all right, ain't ya, Frobs!
(Frobo spits a lot of gasoline on Mr. X.)
Mr. X Enough! (while makes way for a worker in a quarantine suit) Let's see now talkative you are once (while the worker in a quarantine suit prepares a syringe) we run some tests.
Polly Oh, (takes out her pencil) you're going on my (writes down the name on her list) list for sure.
(Meanwhile, in the distant garage, an emergency assembly is taking place.)
Anne And now the Plantars are being held by the FBI in a secret government compund.
Ally Wa--wa--wait... Back up. The Plantars are alien creatures from another world?
Molly Jo Frog-Man was a frog? Actually, that checks out.
Thai Woman (whispering Papu in Thai language) I love frogs... especially with garlic. (both laugh)
Anne Yes. And we need your help to save them. But this is serious business. If we get caught, we'll be in huge trouble with the feds. So if anyone wants out, no hard feelings.
(Everyone agrees with Anne.)
Humphrey We're with ya to the end!
Molly Jo Wow. So dramatic.
Humphrey Thanks. (chuckles) I'm an actor.
Anne (after looking at Mr. and Mrs. Boonchuy) All right. Here's the plan. Step one: Get into the compound by bringing them something they want.
(Papu and the Thai woman dress Humphrey Westwood as a frog. Already at dusk, both arrive at the headquarters dressed as men in black while Humphrey acts as a frog and is inside a glass box.)
Thai Woman We found another frog alien. (Humphrey croaks like a frog)
Guard (groans) ID?
Papu Got it here somewhere. (checks her pockets)
Anne Next: Secure entry into the compound.
(Molly Jo gets off the table and sneaks into the cabin. She brings out Pandatron to hack the computer.)
Ally Oh yeah. (proceeds the hack from her laptop) We're in. (succeeds and sticks her tongue out at Jess as a joke and sign of success)
Jess (talking on the walkie-talkie) Done and done.
(Molly Jo returns to where she was. Papu passes her ID to the guard and the ID monitor accepts entry. Humphrey, Papu and the Thai woman continue on their way. The Boonchuys, Dr. Jan the IT Gals and Terri walk through a fence hole while also wearing men in black suits. Anne knocks on the door, the Thai woman opens it for them, and they proceed cautiously. The group reaches an open space.)
Anne Nice one. And now, we find the Plantars and return these rental suits!
The group Yeah!
Mrs. Boonchuy Shh!
The group (in low voice) Yeah...
Humphrey Terrific.
(The group undertakes the rescue. However, Doctor Jan sees something and stops Terri.)
Dr. Jan Wait. Terri. (points it) Check it out. (it is shown to be a generator)
Terri That could power the portal all on its own. Should we grab it?
Dr. Jan Oooh... Heck. Yes!
(Dr. Jan and Terri go for the generator as they giggles.)
Anne (gasps at the sight of a room and the group stops) (while showing the room plaque that says "Speciments A, B, C") This must be where the Plantars are.
(The group enters the room at a fast pace. Anne sees a terrarium.)
Anne Hop Pop? (a light comes on in the terrarium and it was Mr. X's frogs) What the--?
Mr. X (locks the door and two guards go with him) (the group sees him and they gasp) (laughts) Payback stings. Doesn't it?
(Mr. X and the guards lock the group separately in cells in a prison room.)
Anne (approaches the bars and grabs on) What have you done with the Plantars? Give them back!
Mr. X Hehe... The Plantars, eh? Sorry, honey, but they're government property now. (fist bumps a guard)
Anne You can't do this. We have rights.
Mr. X (approaches her) I can do whatever I want. (points himself) I'm a highly specialized top federal agent. (points her) And you? Ha... you're nothing but a child. Heck, you wouldn't have even gotten this far without your mommy and daddy.
Anne (gets traumatized) But... I...
Mr. X Face it, kid. It's time to stop playing hero before it gets you all in (adjusts his glasses) serious trouble. Oh wait... (points her) You're ALREADY in serious trouble. (walks towards the door while laughing) (does a high fist and low fist mime) WHOO! Today is a good day. (leaves the room)
(Anne recoils and grieves as she falls to the ground on her knees.)
Molly Jo Don't listen to that guy, Anne.
Humphrey Yeah. He's just a well-dressed blowhard. (Papu and the Thai woman nod their heads)
Anne But... he's right... I am just a kid... How am I supposed to save my friends, beat the FBI, defeat King Andrias if I can't even bring myself to say goodbye to my parents? (sniffles and sobs) (Mr. and Mrs. Boonchuy are moved) All this time, I thought I could do theese things but I was wrong (cries) (Mr. and Mrs. Boonchuy approach her)
Mrs. Boonchuy (puts a hand on her head after she and Mr. Boonchuy get down on their knees) Don't be silly, Anne.
Mr. Boonchuy If anyone can do this, it's you.
Anne (sniffles) How do you know?
Mr. Boonchuy Are you kidding? Just look at what you already done.
Mrs. Boonchuy Survived for months in another world.
Mr. Boonchuy Made friends and fought for people who couldn't fight for themselves.
Mrs. Boonchuy (hughs ner) Built me that amazing Christmas float.
Mr. Boonchuy Defeated a killer robot!
Mrs. Boonchuy Two killer robots, technically. (wipes her tears) You have grown so much. You're not my little girl ayone, Anne. You can do this.
Mr. Boonchuy And not matter where you go or what you're doing, we'll be with you the whole way. Right (points her heart) here. I'm pointing your heart in case you didn't get it.
Anne (hughs him) I got it, Dad. (Mrs. Boonchuy hughs her)
MIB 1 (moved) (sobbing) I wish my parents believed in me like that. (MIB 2 offers him a handkerchief)
(Suddenly there is a power outage and everyone in the room notices it.)
MIB 1 Huh?
Anne What's happening?
Dr. Jan and Terri (are carrying the generator on a car while rejoicing) GENERATOR! GENERATOR! GENERATOR!
Ally (looks out the window and sees what Dr. Jan and Terri are doing) Holy cow! (points them) Terri and Jan stole the camp's generator. The entire compound is shut down. (points Jess) Which means...
Jess Glitch in the power locks. (opens the cell) Let's go!
Humphrey (opens the cell dramatically) FREEEEEDOOOMM!!
(The whole group leaves the cells, but the two MIBs stop them.)
MIB 1 Hold it right there. I may been touched by your story, but (points them) I'm still gonna stop you!
Mr. Boonchuy Anne, (takes something out of his pocket and throws it at Anne) catch! (Anne receives it)
Mrs. Boonchuy (referring to what is a toy red lightsaber) You bought that?
Mr. Boonchuy What? It was on sale.
(Anne throws the two MIBs at their heads, knocking 1 unconscious. 2 is about to pull something out, but Anne snaps close, grabs the red toy lightsaber and trips him out of the fight. The group gasps for it.)
Anne You guys wait here. I'll be right back. (leaves the room to secure the perimeter)
Mr. Boonchuy (speaking to Mrs. Boonchuy) Hope she doesn't kill anyone.

Part 3[]

Speaker Dialogue
(Two MIBs notice the blackout, while the hallway is only lit dark red.)
MIB 3 Huh? (points Anne) Hey! Who's that?
(The two MIBs take notice of Anne better. She draws the toy red saber.)
MIB 4 Hey, that kid escaped! GET HER! (they both run towards her)
(Anne starts attacking. He leaves MIB 4 out of action due to a capsize and then does the same to 3. Three more find out about her presence, the one in front is about to attack her with his electroshock stick, but Anne defends herself and knocks him out and then it does it to yet another MIB as well. The last one gets scared and starts asking for help.)
MIB 5 (gasps and screams while hitting the door) Let me out! LET ME OUT! (looks at Anne for a moment and notices her walking towards him) Let me ooooouuut!! LET ME--!!
Anne (knocks him unconscious from a blow to the head with the toy red saber) Uhhhh... it says "pull", dude. (returns to the room to join the group) All right. Coast is clear. Now let's go save some frogs.
(Everyone start running to find the Plantars.)
(The scene is changed to a scanner room, Mr. X and the decontamination man are checking some results while the Plantars are strapped into chairs separately. Suddenly they all notice the blackout.)
Mr. X (passes him the filing board) I'll go restart the generator. Don't (runs to where the generator was) let them out of your sight.
Sprig OK, guys. This is our chance to escape. (tries to free himself while grunts, but he hasn't succeeded)
Polly Don't hurt yourself, Sprig.
(Suddenly he hears someone going through the duct, the grill comes off and it is revealed that it is Anne.)
Anne What up, fam?
Sprig, Polly and Hop Pop Anne!
Anne (comes out of the duct and lands in the room) I'm here to rescue you, guys.
Decontamination man Hey! Who are you? (points her) You can't be in here!
(The decontamination man chases after Anne, but she frees Frobo from the cage, so he jumps at him and throws a DVD out of his mouth, knocking him unconscious. Then Anne frees Sprig and Hop Pop and Frobo frees Polly with a blower.)
Sprig Anne! Boy... are we glad to see you.
Anne Are you guys OK?
Hop Pop Mostly... (Sprig jumps to the end of her chair) my dignity is admittedly in shambles.
Polly (after jumping towards Anne on the left shoulder) So, what's the plan on getting outta here?
Anne Well...
(Out of nowhere, an FBI squad car bursts through the wall with the generator attached. When opening the doors, it is shown that it is controlled by the group.)
Mrs. Boonchuy Surprise!
Terri Hey, need a ride?
(Anne and the Plantars are glad to see them again and enter the patrol.)
Sprig Molly Jo?!
Molly Jo What up, (they high five) Frog-Man?
Hop Pop Humphrey! You helped save us?
Humphrey What can I say? Us actors have to stick together!
Polly Ally?! (jumps towards Jess and she hugs her) Jess?! (Frobo approaches them)
Jess You fixed Frobo! (Frobo vomits)
Ally Sorta.
Dr. Jan All right, (while backing up a bit) buckle up! (start driving at full speed after leaving another hole in the wall) (gets excited) I love doing that!
(Meanwhile, Mr. X and Jenny notice that the generator has disappeared.)
Mr. X Well, that's not good. (the patrol passes by them and he notices their presence by the wind and the noise) (turns to see it) Huh? (notices how unusual the patrol is and sees Sprig looking out the window. Sprig gets scared and crouches to hide) (now we see a car entry and exit cabinet guard stuttering while looking at his cell phone) (yelling at the guard as he runs to the cabinet and waves his arms) SHUT THE GATE! SHUT THE GATE! SHUT IT!!!
(The cabinet guard gasps at the danger, presses a red button to lower the vehicle jamming stick. He gives Mr. X a thumbs up and vice versa. However, the patrol crosses the pass and continues on its way, still faster than before, leaving both of them surprised.)
Cabinet guard (chuckles) (Mr. X arrives at the cabinet and observes) Don't know why we thought that would work.
Mr. X (growls) (speaking through his communicator) IT'S GO-TIME, PEOPLE!! LET'S MOVE!!!
(The men in black get on the patrol cars and start chasing the group. Jenny, driving a police car, stops in front of Mr. X for him to get on. A mad chase breaks out.)
Anne (gasps at the sight of the patrols chasing after them) OK. Time to ditch these losers.
(Anne kicks in the door and throws a large box at them, Sprig throws a fan at them, Hop Pop throws a desktop at them, and Anne throws a black box at them. In the end, they overtake one patrol and the others avoid those objects.)
(A patrol car speeds up, causing Anne, Sprig and Hop Pop to scream. The patrol gives them a push.)
Polly (jumps forward) Way ahead of ya! (shakes Frobo strongly)
(Frobo throws up that patrol, covering them up front.)
FBI Driver (losing the control of the patrol) (groans) I can't see! Also, THAT'S SUPER GROSS! (defeated patrol)
Mr. X (after seeing the patrol) (talking to Jenny) No. They're fine. They have airbags. (Jenny puts on some cool glasses) (activates a magnetic mode of his shoes, gets out of the patrol and stands in front, takes out and draws a long electroshock stick) (jumps to the patrol) A-HA! GOTCHA! TAKE (attacks Hop Pop, but Hop Pop dodges it) THIS!
Anne Guys, quick! We need something else to throw!
Sprig How about... (sticks out his tongue and grabs a barrel of Kombucha as grunts) THIS! (throws the barrel at Mr. X)
Mr. X Oh, you have got to be kidding me.
(The barrel collides with Mr. X, causing him to return to his patrol. Jenny brakes, letting the group escape.)
Mr. X Ugh... (while cleaning) great... (returns to the ground) (Jenny exits the patrol car as he carries a first aid kit) I'm fine, Jenny. They may have gotten away but... (makes some poses) NOT BEFORE I (points his smart watch) TAGGED THEM! (laughs while is shown to be tracking them)
(Despite not noticing that there is a tracking device, the group celebrates and continues on the road. That night back at the garage, everyone is ready at the portal after changing into their usual clothes.)
Anne I don't believe it. We did it!
Terri (while the IT Gals take a generator to a part) (points) Grab the other generators. We've got one shot at this
(Dr. Jan gives a few command settings on the computer, the IT Gals put the generator in a part right next to the ice mound being put in by Papu and the Thai women. Anne looks at Mr. and Mrs. Boonchuy and joins them.)
Mrs. Boonchuy Here. (passes her her already packed backpack) For you trip.
Anne Guys... this is amazing.
Mrs. Boonchuy We have had your care package prepared for a while, (Anne puts on her backpack) waiting for this very moment.
(The Boonchuys hug each other.)
Mr. Boonchuy We are so proud of you. Now, go finish this thing and bring your friends home.
(Anne goes to the portal. Mr. and Mrs. Boonchuy bend down to hug the Plantars.)
Sprig (sobbing) Thanks, Mr. and Mrs. B, for everything.
Polly (sobbing) We'll miss you.
Hop Pop We'll take care good care of Anne.
(The Plantars reunite with Anne.)
Terri Everyone ready? Got everything?
Anne We're ready.
Hop Pop I'm set. (takes a avocado out of his pocket) I've got one avocado left (with a cute face) to seed my avocado dynasty.
Terri All right. Here we... (press the keyboard ENTER) GO!
(The portal is reactivated, but at higher power, it gives off a wind, however, Anne and the Plantars notice an unpleasant surprise.)
Anne (gasps) Oh no...
Hop Pop (the portal is observed) It doesn't look any bigger.
Sprig We still can't fit through.
Anne Guys, what can we do?
Dr. Jan All those generators weren't enough.
Terri That was twice the power we estimated it would need. If that didn't work... (Anne and the Plantars grieve) I'm afraid nothing will. (the group gasps)
(Suddenly, FBI SWAT burst into the garage breaking the windows, surrounding everyone.)
Humphrey Oh no!
FBI SWAT 3 (takes off his glasses and sees a jar of pretzels) (talking to a FBI SWAT while pointing at it) Ooh... these things are good.
(Jenny kicks the door down so he can get in along with more FBI SWAT. He points to Anne and the Plantars to surround them.)
Hop Pop Oh no!
Anne No... we're so close.
Mr. X (enters the garage while clapping slowly, walks towards Anne and the Plantars) Not bad, Anne. Not bad. (glides towards them) Turns out, you were more capable (takes a turn) than I thought. (snaps at Anne) But... you still fail because (points her) no matter WHAT you do, you're still... just... a kid.
Anne (slaps his hand) (Mr. X freezes) You're right, X. I am just a kid. But today reminded me that with the right people by my side... I (activates her powers) CAN DO (distorted voice) ANYTHING!
Mr. X WHAT THE--?!
(Anne takes a huge left stomp, causing Mr. X, Jenny and the FBI SWAT to fall further away from her and the Plantars.)
Mr. X (after getting up and adjusting his glasses) What are you?!
Sprig ANNE, LOOK! (points to the portal while Polly and Hop Pop end up impressed) THE PORTAL!
(Anne's power causes increased power, just as the monitors say. She notices it and with her powers, she makes the portal even bigger. Everyone is shocked yet impressed. Mr. and Mrs. Boonchuy gasp at this.)
Dr. Jan The portal!
Terri How is that possible?
Ally She's powering it, like some kind of...
Jess Human battery!
Mr. X (stands up) What (Jenny and the FBI SWAT stand up) is that place? And... (the giant red mantis returns) WHOA... Is that a giant praying mantis?! Men! (points Anne and the Plantars) Seize them! This is it!
(FBI SWAT returns after Anne and the Plantars.)
Sprig and Polly (gasps)
Hop Pop Oh no!
Anne (looks at the giant red mantis and gets an idea) Hop Pop, give me your avocado!
Hop Pop (with a suffering face) OH COME ON!
Anne DUDE!
Hop Pop (with a sad face) Awww... (takes the avocado out of his pocket, kisses it and passes it to Anne)
Anne (splits the avocado in two with her powers and raises them to the front) Hey, bug boy, (the FBI SWAT stop right then) ya hungry?!
(The aroma of the avocado reaches the giant red mantis, he senses it and runs towards the portal. Anne and the Plantars jump to the side and just after the mantis bursts through the portal and roars, scaring the FBI SWAT.)
FBI SWAT 4 (screams) What is that?!
FBI SWAT 5 A giant bug?
FBI SWAT 6 Bugs doesn't eat people, right?
(The giant red mantis grabs FBI SWAT 6 by the mouth and lifts him up, causing him to panic. All the other FBI SWATs are going to attack him with their canes as long as they scream and two of them jump into his arms to try to knock him down. The mantis releases the FBI SWAT 6 after being beaten.)
Anne (talking to the Plantars) NOW'S OUR CHANCE! COME ON!
(Anne and the Plantars run to the portal. The Plantars go through it, but Anne stops to see Mr. and Mrs. Boonchuy one last time.)
Mrs. Boonchuy Anne, take care!
Mr. Boonchuy We love you! (point to his heart)
(Anne gets the message and is moved, and then she goes through the portal and it just closes. The FBI SWAT continue with the fight against the giant red mantis, but it overcomes them. However, Jenny shoots a rope with his cannon along with an FBI SWAT another rope with his bazooka to finally tie him to his legs and arms and the two ropes electrocute him to knock him out and he falls onto the portal, destroying it. Once the danger has passed, Mr. X observes it and becomes furious.)
Mr. X (grunts) (speaking to Mr. and Mrs. Boonchuy, Dr. Jan and Terri) YOU! (walks briskly to Mr. and Mrs. Boonchuy) I hope (points them) you're ready to explain yourselves.
Mr. Boonchuy And (slaps his hand) WE hope (points him) YOU'RE ready to listen.
Mrs. Boonchuy (points him) We got a lot to talk about.
Mr. X (gets traumatized) Oh... goody...
(Back to Amphibia finally...)
Anne (wakes up and groans) (gasps and laughs) (is happy) We made it. I can't believe it. (talking to the Plantars) This is so-- Guys? (stands up and rejoins the Plantars) (the Plantars look horrified) Hey, what's going on? (looks at the environment and gasps) (understands why the Plantars are horrified, all of Amphibia is in ruins thanks to King Andrias and his army of robots) (starts to get scared) What... happened here?

ve Episode transcripts
Season 1 1. Anne or Beast?/Best Fronds • 2. Cane Crazy/Flood, Sweat & Tears • 3. Hop Luck/Stakeout • 4. The Domino Effect/Taking Charge • 5. Anne Theft Auto/Breakout Star • 6. Sprig Vs. Hop Pop/Girl Time • 7. Dating Season/Anne Vs. Wild • 8. Contagi-Anne/Family Shrub • 9. Lily Pad Thai/Plantar's Last Stand • 10. Toad Tax/Prison Break • 11. Grubhog Day/Hop Pop and Lock • 12. Civil Wart/Hop-Popular • 13. Croak & Punishment/Trip to the Archives • 14. Snow Day/Cracking Mrs. Croaker • 15. A Night at the Inn/Wally and Anne • 16. Family Fishing Trip/Bizarre Bazaar • 17. Cursed!/Fiddle Me This • 18. The Big Bugball Game/Combat Camp • 19. Children of the Spore/Anne of the Year • 20. Reunion
Season 2 1. Handy Anne/Fort in the Road • 2. The Ballad of Hopediah Plantar/Anne Hunter • 3. Truck Stop Polly/A Caravan Named Desire • 4. Quarreler's Pass/Toadcatcher • 5. Swamp and Sensibility/Wax Museum • 6. Marcy at the Gates • 7. Scavenger Hunt/The Plantars Check In • 8. Lost in Newtopia/Sprig Gets Schooled • 9. Little Frogtown/Hopping Mall • 10. The Sleepover to End All Sleepovers/A Day at the Aquarium • 11. The Shut-In! • 12. Night Drivers/Return to Wartwood • 13. Ivy on the Run/After the Rain • 14. The First Temple • 15. New Wartwood/Friend or Frobo? • 16. Toad to Redemption/Maddie & Marcy • 17. The Second Temple/Barrel's Warhammer • 18. Bessie & MicroAngelo/The Third Temple • 19. The Dinner/Battle of the Bands • 20. True Colors
Season 3 1. The New Normal • 2. Hop 'Til You Drop/Turning Point • 3. Thai Feud/Adventures in Catsitting • 4. Fight at the Museum/Temple Frogs • 5. Fixing Frobo/Anne-sterminator • 6. Mr. X/Sprig's Birthday • 7. Spider-Sprig/Olivia & Yunan • 8. Hollywood Hop Pop/If You Give a Frog a Cookie • 9. Froggy Little Christmas • 10. Escape to Amphibia • 11. Commander Anne/Sprivy • 12. Sasha's Angels/Olm Town Road • 13. Mother of Olms/Grime's Pupil • 14. The Root of Evil/The Core & The King • 15. Newts in Tights/Fight or Flight • 16. The Three Armies/The Beginning of the End • 17. All In • 18. The Hardest Thing