Amphibia Wiki
This is a transcribed copy of Commander Anne.
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Previous: "Escape to Amphibia" Next: "Sprivy"
Speaker Dialogue
(The episode begins with Amphibia in ruins as pollution is ruining the once beautiful landscape and Frobots are destroying everything in their path.)
Anne What happened to this place?!
Hop Pop Quick! Back to Wartwood!
(They all run to Wartwood and then see that it has been destroyed as well.)
Anne Oh no!
Hop Pop Not here too!
Polly Even the statue's gone!
(They see a giant centipede wiggling. Its head comes up to face them. It has a glowing pink and purple collar, and its eyes are purple. It itself is gray.)
Anne Uh... nice giant centipede?
(It roars at them. Anne screams. Polly jumps up from Frobo, yelling, and punches the centipede in the face. She then also kicks it in the face. It lands.)
Polly (lands on the ground) Now, stay down.
Sprig (points) Polly, look out!
Polly Huh? (looks behind) Uh oh.
(The giant centipede roars at her, getting ready to attack her. But before it can, it is hit with a red laser blast. This blast was by someone with a red helmet covering their face, accompanied by three people with different helmets. The laser gun shot the giant centipede in its collar, breaking the collar. This causes its eyes to stop glowing purple and for it to slither away.)
Anne What the- (turns around to face the four people that shot the giant centipede. She waves) Hey, thanks... whoever you are.
(Three of them take off their helmets, revealing them to be Wally, Loggle, and Mrs. Croaker.)
Mrs. Croaker Well, salt my slugs! It's you four! (Archie pops out of her hair and yips twice.)
Anne Croaker! Wally! LOGGLE?! Is that you?!?! (Anne is amazed at how muscular and buff Loggle has gotten.)
Loggle Yup! I've been lifting weights every single day since you've been gone! Who knew I had these kind of gains in me all along?!
Hop Pop What is going on around here?!
Sprig (points to where the giant centipede was) What was that thing?
Polly Loggle's buff now?!
Fourth person with the red helmet I don't believe it. You're- (takes off helmet, revealing it's Sasha. Her hair is now out of her ponytail and she has a new outfit) You're back!
Anne (taken aback) Sasha!! (runs and hugs her, surprising Sasha) You're alive!! And in Wartwood?? What's going on? What happened?
Sasha Follow me, and I'll explain.
(They arrive at Plantar Farm which is in a state of disrepair.)
Sasha (Salutes) Chuck.
Chuck (Tips his hat) Tulips.
(Sasha opens the door. Anne, the Plantars & Frobo enter their now-ruined home.)
Sprig Whoa...
Hop Pop Wait. Our house is your secret hideout?
Sasha Only the basement. (she knocks on the picture above the fireplace, opening up an underground staircase.)
Sprig No way! The Plantar Family tunnels?
Sasha Come on! (She leads everyone down the stairs into the tunnels.)
Anne & The Plantars (in awe) Whoa...
Sasha Welcome to the Resistance!
The tunnels have turned into a makeshift underground Wartwood. Its citizens are carrying on with life while many of them prepare for battle. Grime is seen training a group of young frogs, including Bailey. Sasha leads the stunned newcomers around.
The Plantars Whoa...
Sasha All right! Let's get you up to speed. Marcy has been taken prisoner. But she's still alive.
Anne (sighs) Oh, thank goodness! So, what happened to the town?
Sasha What do you think? Andrias destroyed it. Now let's get you settled. (Sasha blows a battle horn, summoning the Wartwood citizens for a meeting.) Attention, Wartwood! I'd like to introduce some new recruits!
(Anne and the Plantars pop up from behind Sasha and wave.)
Anne Hey!
Sprig Hi guys!
Everyone (cheers) It's Anne and the Plantars! (Bessie chirps happily.)
Sasha The Plantars here came back to Amphibia just in time. To help us kick Andrias right in the big ol' tail! (Everyone cheers. Sasha hands the Plantars several sacks.) Here, go find youselves a nice cave to inhabit.
(Hop Pop grabs his sack and takes out an old toothbrush.)
Hop Pop (sighs) I sure am going to miss the electric toothbrush.
Sprig Cheer up, Hop Pop! Maybe we can find a cave with some soft lichen to sleep on!
(Hop Pop sighs as he and the rest of the Plantars walk off. Anne stays with Sasha.)
Anne (coughs) So... About what happened before we got zapped to Earth...
Sasha Listen. My days of toxic manipulation are over. And with Amphibia on fire and Marcy in trouble, I figured we could be on the same side for a change.
Anne Totally! We'll work out our own baggage later. (Anne and Sasha shake hands. Sasha's helmet suddenly closes. Anne giggles) What's with the hat?
Sasha Ah ha! The helmet of authority. Apparently, Wartwood busts this out during wartimes, so everyone knows who's in charge. Which reminds me...
(Sasha hands Anne the helmet.)
Anne WHA?!?
Sasha Wartwood has only been able to hold out this long because they were waiting for you, Anne. You stood up for them. You protected them. It's time for you to lead them.
Anne I don't know. Amphibia's changed a lot since I've been gone. Should I really be the one doing this?
Sasha (shouting) All in favor of Anne Boonchuy as your new leader!
(The entire Resistance responds loudly, cheering Anne's name.)
Anne Oh, wow! This is a huge honor! Also, a lot of pressure! (everyone cheers loudly) Yeah, that's actually not helping.
(Anne and the Plantars follow Sasha to her room, which includes a battle strategy board and a map laid on the central table. She places a broken collar on the table.)
Sasha I'm sure you've seen the mind control collars that Andrias has been using to control the local wildlife. Well, it turns out he's making them here. (points to a location on the map)
Anne How do these things even work?
Sasha It utilizes some kind of weird mushroom enzyme.
Sprig (sarcastically) Gee. Wonder where I heard that before.
(Everyone looks at Hop Pop, unamused.)
Hop Pop I turned you into zombies ONE TIME!
Sasha The mission is simple. Destroy the factory. If we're successful, it'll make a big dent in Andrias' army.
Anne All right. Let's do it!
Polly (takes out Anne's phone) Great! I'll call us a taxi app!
Anne Polly, that's not gonna work.
Polly Ugh, fine! I guess we'll walk!
Hop Pop Anyone got any hand sanitizer? I never noticed how dirty Amphibia was. (He shows off his filthy hands.)
Sprig Don't worry, HP! I got you! (Gives Hop Pop some hand sanitizer)
Sasha Wow. Earth has made you three soft. Anyway, get some sleep, everyone. We leave at dawn!
Hop Pop You got it!
Sprig See you in the morning!
Polly Aye aye, captain!
(Anne and the Plantars leave Sasha's room while Grime enters.)
Anne Hey Grime!
Grime Welcome, Anne... (notices the helmet) I mean... uh... bu... Commander.
Anne I know! Weird, right? (Anne leaves the room)
Grime (to Sasha) You gave Anne the helmet?!?
Sasha Yeah. If Anne is here, I can't be in charge. It's just too complicated.
Grime But... But she's never led an army. And she has no idea how much Amphibia has changed or what we're up against!
Sasha (angry) I said it's COMPLICATED!!!
Grime Fine! Just would have been nice to know that I was demoted. Again!
(Grime leaves and Sasha sighs in relief. Fade to the next morning. Anne is outside, now wearing the helmet. The Plantars, Sasha, Mrs. Croaker, Wally, Loggle, and Frobo all wait for their orders)
Anne Ok, guys... (the helmet closes on her.) Heh. Whoops. (fixes the helmet) Let's go show Andrias what we're made of!
Mrs. Croaker Which way, Commander?
Anne Oh! Uh... No idea.
Sprig Oh! Didn't you take a picture of the map?
Anne Shoot! Dang it! I'll go back and grab it.
(Sasha breaks out the map)
Sasha No need! Here's the map, Anne. With all the important parts (singsongy) labled!
Anne Oh! Thanks, Sash! But are you sure you shouldn't be leading this?
Sasha No way! You should be in charge. Not me.
Anne Ugh...
Sprig Come on, Anne! You can do this! You steered us from Earth all the way back to Amphibia, didn't you? Just follow your Anne-tuition!
Anne Anne-tuition. Cute. Okay, then. Here goes nothing!
(Cut to a montage of the group traveling across the map, led by Anne. She first tries to lead everyone across a river by tasting it, only for Sasha to point out they are close to a liquid waste dump, which spews its waste on them. Later on, the Plantars are watching a show on Anne's phone and fail to realize they walked right into quicksand. Anne tries to save them and gets stuck herself. Sasha and the rest tries to rescue Anne & the Plantars, only to be ambushed by Frobots. Surviving that, albeit with Anne losing her right shoe once again by this point, the group travels on and Anne tries to scout some distant Frobots with her telescope, only to realize she was looking through the wrong way and the bots were closer than they realized, forcing them to dodge another attack. Eventually, the weary group survive all their misadventures and arrives at their destination)
Hop Pop There's the factory.
The factory is surrounded by a deep trench lined with pointed rocks at the bottom
Loggle How do we get across, Anne?
Wally Yeah! What's your Anne-tuition telling you?
Anne Hmmm... Well... (From behind, Sasha breaks out her grappling hook. Anne doesn't notice.) How about... we build a bridge. Out of ourselves! (nobody reacts) I saw it in a movie once. All these tiny mice worked together to steal some oregano from a French restaurant.
Sasha Uh... You heard the Commander, everyone! Hop to it!
Loggle, Mrs. Croaker, Wally and the Plantars hop on top of one another, forming a wobbily chain
Anne All right, everyone! Now lean forward into the canyon!
The frogs make their way to the canyon
Sasha Nice! Did you measure the width of the canyon?
Anne No. Why?
(The frogs scream as they all nearly fall down the canyon to the sharp rocks below. Sprig hangs on to a branch.
Sasha Guys! (fires her grappling hook.) Hang on. (Anne holds Sasha and the two swing over the canyon. She lends an arm to Sprig) Grab on.
(Sprig grabs Sasha with his tongue and with a mighty yank, Sasha pulls the frogs to the other side)
Loggle Anyone else think this is going poorly?
Wally We're usually a bit more coordinated than this
Anne Ok. I think it's clear by now I shouldn't be leading this expedition. Sasha, will you please just take command and tell us what to do?
Sasha No! You need to be in charge!
Anne What? What do you mean? I'm drowning out here, dude! Do you want me to fail? (gasps) Is that what this is?! Some kind of new manipulation?!
Sasha No! I just... I...
Wally We're also usually a lot quieter than this.
(The factory reacts and the doors open, revealing a giant mind-contolled snake. Everyone screams and takes cover.)
Anne Everyone! Attack!!!
Loggle What kind of attack?
Anne Just whatever feels right!
(The frogs rush in to attack, but get easily swept aside by the snake. Anne rushes in with her racket, but she gets swipped aside too. Hop Pop suddenly screams in terror.)
Anne What happened?!?
Hop Pop I got a grass stain on my pants!
Sprig Oh! I have Mrs. B's stain remover pen.
Polly Soak it in water first!
(The snake chomps on the Plantars, then Loggle & Mrs. Croaker, swallowing them whole.)
Anne NO! Sasha, what do we do?
Sasha (nervously) Uh, you're in charge. Whatever you think is best. You've got this!
Anne But I don't know what I'm doing. (she takes off the helmet and hands it to Sasha) Please, just take over!
Sasha (pushes the helmet away) I... I can't!
Anne Why not?!
Sasha (tearing up) Because the last time I was in charge, I ruined our friendship!
(Anne is stunned into silence. Behind her, the snake eats Wally. Anne looks down at her reflection on the helmet. With a newly determined look, she throws the helmet to the ground and rushes to the snake.)
Sasha Wha... What are you doing?!
Anne Putting my faith in the real commander!
(Anne leaps into the air and allows herself to get eaten by the snake.)
(Anne slides down inside the snake and joins the rest of the already eaten frogs.)
Mrs. Croaker Great! Now how will we get out?
(From outside, we hear Sasha grunting, attacking the snake. She forces its mouth open. She has put the helmet back on.)
Sasha Frogs of the Resistance, execute maneuver 3!
(Wally, Loggle, and Mrs. Croaker all nod.)
Hop Pop Maneuver what?
(Everyone locks arms with each other.)
Sasha Now, inflate!
(The frogs inflate their vocal sacs, making the snake choke and spit everyone out.)
Anne Sasha! You did it!
Sasha Not yet. Wally! Croaker! Loggle! Mirror punch!
(Loggle throws both Mrs. Croaker and Wally into the air, who both punch the snake's mind-control collar from opposite sides. The collar breaks and the freed snake slithers away. Everyone cheers.)
Mrs. Croaker What's the plan, now?
(Everyone looks at Anne.)
Anne Don't look at me! You're wearing the helmet.
Sasha Loggle, you're on bridge duty. Croaker and Wally are lookouts. Anne, Plantars, you know what do with these. (she hands them a bunch of boomshrooms.) All right, let's mess this place up!
Working together, the boomshrooms are put in place and the group escape over Loggle's bridge as the factory explodes. Sometime later, the group is returning to the resistance base.
Sasha C'mon Anne. Take the helmet back.
Anne No way! You're clearly the better commander.
Sasha But after everything I did to you, I don't deserve it.
Anne Sasha. Not too long ago, you would have fought to keep the helmet. The fact you don't want it now proves you changed.
Sasha Yeah, maybe.
(Anne raises Sasha's hand)
Anne All in favor as Sasha Waybright as your new leader?
Mrs. Croaker Oh yes!
Wally Oh frog! Please, Sasha!
Loggle We need you!
(Sasha blushes and puts the helmet on.)
Sasha Listen, Anne. Even though I'm calling the shots, I want you to know this is a partnership.
(Sasha holds out her hand for a handshake. Anne obliges, and with a squeal of delight, she pulls Sasha in for a hug, which Sasha returns. Sasha then goes back to the group.)
Sasha All right, you frogs. Back to base.
(The Plantars sigh in exhaustion)
Anne Looks like this is our new life now, guys.
Hop Pop House guest to Resistance grunt is a harsh transition.
Polly Yup!
Sprig You can say that again!
Hop Pop Uh-oh, Anne, did you lose a shoe?
Anne Oh! You've got to be kidding me!

ve Episode transcripts
Season 1 1. Anne or Beast?/Best Fronds • 2. Cane Crazy/Flood, Sweat & Tears • 3. Hop Luck/Stakeout • 4. The Domino Effect/Taking Charge • 5. Anne Theft Auto/Breakout Star • 6. Sprig Vs. Hop Pop/Girl Time • 7. Dating Season/Anne Vs. Wild • 8. Contagi-Anne/Family Shrub • 9. Lily Pad Thai/Plantar's Last Stand • 10. Toad Tax/Prison Break • 11. Grubhog Day/Hop Pop and Lock • 12. Civil Wart/Hop-Popular • 13. Croak & Punishment/Trip to the Archives • 14. Snow Day/Cracking Mrs. Croaker • 15. A Night at the Inn/Wally and Anne • 16. Family Fishing Trip/Bizarre Bazaar • 17. Cursed!/Fiddle Me This • 18. The Big Bugball Game/Combat Camp • 19. Children of the Spore/Anne of the Year • 20. Reunion
Season 2 1. Handy Anne/Fort in the Road • 2. The Ballad of Hopediah Plantar/Anne Hunter • 3. Truck Stop Polly/A Caravan Named Desire • 4. Quarreler's Pass/Toadcatcher • 5. Swamp and Sensibility/Wax Museum • 6. Marcy at the Gates • 7. Scavenger Hunt/The Plantars Check In • 8. Lost in Newtopia/Sprig Gets Schooled • 9. Little Frogtown/Hopping Mall • 10. The Sleepover to End All Sleepovers/A Day at the Aquarium • 11. The Shut-In! • 12. Night Drivers/Return to Wartwood • 13. Ivy on the Run/After the Rain • 14. The First Temple • 15. New Wartwood/Friend or Frobo? • 16. Toad to Redemption/Maddie & Marcy • 17. The Second Temple/Barrel's Warhammer • 18. Bessie & MicroAngelo/The Third Temple • 19. The Dinner/Battle of the Bands • 20. True Colors
Season 3 1. The New Normal • 2. Hop 'Til You Drop/Turning Point • 3. Thai Feud/Adventures in Catsitting • 4. Fight at the Museum/Temple Frogs • 5. Fixing Frobo/Anne-sterminator • 6. Mr. X/Sprig's Birthday • 7. Spider-Sprig/Olivia & Yunan • 8. Hollywood Hop Pop/If You Give a Frog a Cookie • 9. Froggy Little Christmas • 10. Escape to Amphibia • 11. Commander Anne/Sprivy • 12. Sasha's Angels/Olm Town Road • 13. Mother of Olms/Grime's Pupil • 14. The Root of Evil/The Core & The King • 15. Newts in Tights/Fight or Flight • 16. The Three Armies/The Beginning of the End • 17. All In • 18. The Hardest Thing