"Cattail Catastrophe" is the fifth and final short of Teen Girl in a Frog World. It was released on October 1, 2019.
Anne and Sprig use a cattail to get across a huge gap!
- (Anne playfully chases Sprig as he jumps to the gap and Anne stops herself before she falls.)
- Anne: Whoa. Dude, I don't think I can make it across the gap.
- Sprig: I've got an idea.
- (Dramatic background music plays as Sprig jumps against the cattail and pulls it to the ground)
- Sprig: Get on this cattail and I'll fling you across.
- Anne: Woo!
- Sprig: Actually, this seems very dangerous.
- Anne: (touches Sprig's forehead) Sprig. Fling me, bud.
- Sprig: Okay. (He flings Anne too high) I can't believe she's gone. And having fun without me! (he flings himself very high as well)
- Anne: (she sees Sprig floating next to her) Oh, cool, dude. You got up.
- Anne: Ooh, Sprig buddy. We're up high.
- Sprig: Sure are. Hey! I can see my house from here, and Mrs. Croaker's house, and Soggy Joe's house, Ivy's house, my house. Did I mention that?
- Anne: Yep. You can see all the houses, Sprig. Man, this is kind of relaxing. Whoop, there's the ground.
- Sprig: Tuck and roll, Anne.
- Anne: Like and subscribe, everyone!
- During the end tag, "Mrs. Croaker" was transcribed as "Mrs. Kroger" in closed captions.