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This is a transcribed copy of Cane Crazy.
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[At the Plantar Farm, Sprig is looking at Anne's stuff.]

Sprig: Wow, Anne, look at all your cool stuff! What's this? [He picks up a toenail clipper.] Ah, I get it. Torture device.

Anne: That's a toenail clipper.

Sprig: Oh, okay, okay, sure. Oh! How about this? [He holds up a bike pump.] What does this do? [He pumps air into his mouth and speaks with a muffled voice.] It's painful. [The air hisses as it comes out] Oh, and this. [He clicks a cat pen.] Oh, I love this. This is amazing.

Anne: You know what? You can keep it.

[A bell's clanging is heard from upstairs.]

Hop Pop: Kids! Chow time! [In the kitchen, Hop Pop is serving a meal. Anne and Sprig bang their fists on the table while Polly flaps her arms.]

Kids: Time to eat! Time to eat!

Hop Pop: Hold on, you kids. Hold on.

Kids: Time to eat!

[Hop Pop hands out everyone's food, and Anne is immediately put off by it.]

Anne: Ugh! Uh, you know what? I think I'm gonna pass. [She gently pushes her bowl ahead.]

Hop Pop: Why? Is my food not good enough for the princess?

Anne: Well, if I'm the princess, then you're the king of bad cooking. [chuckles]

Sprig: Ohhh!

Polly: Oh oh oh!

Hop Pop: Oh, yeah? Well, you... I...

Anne: What's the matter, Hop Pop? Frog in your throat?

Polly: Ohhh!

Sprig: Oh, she got you again!

Hop Pop: Oh, dang it! You know what? I'm gonna take a nap. I don't believe this. I feed you, I house you, and this is how you repay me? If you don't shape up soon, Anne, I'm throwin' you out! [He slams his bedroom door and a flower vase falls down.]

Anne: Yeesh. What's his problem? [She grabs a cane and hunches over speaking like an old man] I'm Hop Pop, and I cook bad and have a temper problem!

Sprig: That's so Hop Pop!

Anne: Eat your aphids, don't play with them. Elbows off the table!

[The siblings laugh again.]

Anne: Sometimes I wonder why I even bother putting up with you at all!

[She breaks the cane; Sprig and Polly gasp.]

Anne: Oopsies. Guess I don't know my own strength, right, guys? You guys okay? What's the big deal? It's just one cane.

Sprig: That wasn't just any cane. It was Hop Pop's special cane, passed down from his father, Hop Poppity Pop, all the way from his father, Hop-and-Lock-Drop Soppity Pop.

Anne: Oh! You guys gotta help me. He's gonna kick me out the second he finds out about this. I cannot go back to living in a cave!

[A flashback begins with a thunderclap. Anne is curled up on the cave floor as dozens of bugs surround her. Water falls on her face.]

Anne: Uhhh! The nights were the hardest.

Sprig: Don't worry, Anne. We'll do whatever it takes to help you.

Polly: Eh, count me out.

Sprig: Polly!

Polly: What? I hardly know her.

Anne: Would you help me for one of these? [pulls a candy bar out of her pocket]

Polly: [gasps] Candy from another world? Lady, you've got yourself a deal.

Anne: Glad to hear it. Now, let's try to save my skin.

All: Yeah!

Anne: Okay, maybe we can't fix it, but someone else can? Someone good with... wood?

Sprig: Anne, you're a genius! We'll just take it to Leopold Loggle, the woodsmith. He loves wood. Almost a little too much.

Loggle: Uh-huh. Oh, oh, yes. Well, aren't you fascinating? Yes, you are.

Anne: Can you fix it?

Loggle: As a matter of fact, I can... not.

Sprig: Huh. Can you make a new one?

Loggle: Absolutely... no way.

Polly: Do you have one we could buy?

Loggle: Of course I do... n't. I don't.

Anne: Why do you keep doing that?

Loggle: Old smithing accident. You don't want to know.

Anne: Uh, okay, so--

Loggle: Tripped on an anvil. Landed neck-first on a metal pipe. Pierced my voice box clean through!

Polly: Blegh!

Anne: Dude, come on!

Sprig: Cool.

Loggle: Switched over to wood after that. Anyhow, I'm afraid I can't do much for you. That cane was made with wood from the incredibly rare, extremely dangerous Doom Tree!

[all gasp]

Loggle: Few have made it to the Doom Tree alive, fewer yet returned. It holds many secrets that mortals dare not--

Anne: Dude, it's a tree. Just tell us where it is.

Sprig: Yeah, Loggle, cut the chitchat!

Polly: You're bald!

Loggle: Okay, okay. I got a map to the Doom Tree right here, but it'll cost ya.

Anne: Click. [takes a picture with her phone; shows it to Loggle]

Loggle: Or you could do that for free.

Anne: Come on, guys. We gotta hurry. Hop Pop could wake up at any second!

Both: Right!

Loggle: Be careful, you kids. It's cursed, I tell ya. Cursed!

Anne: To the Doom Tree, everyone.
Polly: Whoo-hoo!

Sprig: Yeah! Whoa, Loggle. We gotta talk about this, man. We're comin' back. We're gonna talk about this. All right, good-bye.


[tires screech]

[beeping continues]

[bird screeches]

Anne: [grunting] Hold up. We're here. Now, that is an ugly tree.

Sprig: Just one of Mother Nature's horrible mistakes.

Polly: [chuckles] Frogs died here.

Anne: Look. That branch is perfect. [grunting]

Polly: You people and your legs.

Anne: [grunting]

Sprig: [spitting]

Anne: Careful. The tree is cursed. Pfft! [laughs]

Sprig: [laughs]

Anne: Okay, seriously though, on three. One, two...


Anne: Uh, did the tree just scream?
[Doom Tree roars]

Sprig: Whoa, whoa, whoa!




Sprig: Oh, hey, it's maple.

Anne: Run!

[all screaming]


Anne: That thing is not a tree. It's some kind of grody bug!

Sprig: A bug that wants to kill us!

Polly: Less talky-talky, more runny-runny!


Sprig: [grunting] Whoa! [grunts] Waaah!



Anne: [screaming]

[grunting, panting]


Loggle: [sighs] Well, Loggle, another day, another step closer to bankrupt-- Eh?

[Anne shouts]


Loggle: What the-- What's going on?

Anne: Don't ask questions!

[all scream]

[Doom Tree roars]

[all screaming]

Anne: What's it gonna take to get rid of this thing? [grunts]


Anne: [grunting]

[bell rings]

Anne: Oh, this is nice. [grunts]

Leopold Loggle: That took 20 years to carve.


[puzzled shriek]

Polly: Yah! Yah yah yah yah yah! And that! And that! Hi-yah!

Anne: [grunts] Charge!

Sprig: Charge!


Sprig: I'm gonna sand your face!

Polly: Phew.

Anne: Termites! Why would a woodsmith have termites?

Loggle: I'm a complicated man!

Anne: Incoming!



Polly: Uh...

Sprig: Cool.

Anne: This world is messed up.


Anne: Up top!

Sprig: We did it!

Polly: That was awesome, you guys!

Anne: Now, let's get this cane back to Hop Pop.

Loggle: Give me that!

Anne: Hey!

Polly: What gives, Loggle?

Loggle: I'll tell you what gives. This doesn't even begin to cover the damages you've caused to my shop. You're gonna have to give me something else. Come on. Pony up.

Sprig: [sigh] Will this work?

Loggle: What? What is this, uh...


Loggle: Oh. [clicking] Oh! I like this. You can go.

Sprig: Sorry, Anne. After all we worked for too.

Anne: It's okay. We'd better head home. Hop Pop's probably already awake and furious.

Polly: Probably a bad time to bring this up, but I still get the candy, right?

Hop Pop: [yawns] Whoa, boy. I needed that. Hope nothing happened while I was asleep to make me mad again. Oh, no. What did you do?

Sprig: What's up with canes? Who even needs them these days, am I right? Ow.


Anne: I'm really sorry, Hop Pop. I was goofing around, and I broke your favorite cane.

Hop Pop: You what?

Anne: I know, I know. I'll show myself out.

Sprig: We'll come visit you, Anne. We promise.

Polly: [crying] And just when I was starting to like you!

Anne: Don't make this harder than it is.

[kids bawling]

Hop Pop: What the-- What's going on?

Anne: You're throwing me out. You know, like you said you would.

Hop Pop: [sighs] Mmm. Anne, truth be told, I was never gonna throw you out. I was just talking tough so that you'd show me a little bit more respect.

Anne: That's kinda messed up, man.

Hop Pop: Heh heh heh. [inhales] Yeah. I probably was a little bit too harsh. But I only did it because you remind me of myself when I was your age. Rough around the edges. Now, put that bag down, young lady. You're not going anywhere.

Sprig: Whoo! Yeah! I like that.

Polly: Yeah! I wasn't worried.

Anne: Thanks, Hop Pop. So you're not mad about the cane?

Hop Pop: Oh, I'm furious about the cane. You're on dish duty for a month!

Anne: Ugh. Yes, sir!

Hop Pop: Now that that's settled, I wrote a long list of comebacks to get you back for this morning. [clears throat] "Hey, Anne, is that your hair, or is it a dandelion?" Ha. [sniffles] Uh-- Oh. Are those long, lanky limbs, Anne, or are those, uh, twigs? Ah! [chuckles] Eh...

Sprig: [coughs]

Hop Pop: The moment has passed, hasn't it?

ve Episode transcripts
Season 1 1. Anne or Beast?/Best Fronds • 2. Cane Crazy/Flood, Sweat & Tears • 3. Hop Luck/Stakeout • 4. The Domino Effect/Taking Charge • 5. Anne Theft Auto/Breakout Star • 6. Sprig Vs. Hop Pop/Girl Time • 7. Dating Season/Anne Vs. Wild • 8. Contagi-Anne/Family Shrub • 9. Lily Pad Thai/Plantar's Last Stand • 10. Toad Tax/Prison Break • 11. Grubhog Day/Hop Pop and Lock • 12. Civil Wart/Hop-Popular • 13. Croak & Punishment/Trip to the Archives • 14. Snow Day/Cracking Mrs. Croaker • 15. A Night at the Inn/Wally and Anne • 16. Family Fishing Trip/Bizarre Bazaar • 17. Cursed!/Fiddle Me This • 18. The Big Bugball Game/Combat Camp • 19. Children of the Spore/Anne of the Year • 20. Reunion
Season 2 1. Handy Anne/Fort in the Road • 2. The Ballad of Hopediah Plantar/Anne Hunter • 3. Truck Stop Polly/A Caravan Named Desire • 4. Quarreler's Pass/Toadcatcher • 5. Swamp and Sensibility/Wax Museum • 6. Marcy at the Gates • 7. Scavenger Hunt/The Plantars Check In • 8. Lost in Newtopia/Sprig Gets Schooled • 9. Little Frogtown/Hopping Mall • 10. The Sleepover to End All Sleepovers/A Day at the Aquarium • 11. The Shut-In! • 12. Night Drivers/Return to Wartwood • 13. Ivy on the Run/After the Rain • 14. The First Temple • 15. New Wartwood/Friend or Frobo? • 16. Toad to Redemption/Maddie & Marcy • 17. The Second Temple/Barrel's Warhammer • 18. Bessie & MicroAngelo/The Third Temple • 19. The Dinner/Battle of the Bands • 20. True Colors
Season 3 1. The New Normal • 2. Hop 'Til You Drop/Turning Point • 3. Thai Feud/Adventures in Catsitting • 4. Fight at the Museum/Temple Frogs • 5. Fixing Frobo/Anne-sterminator • 6. Mr. X/Sprig's Birthday • 7. Spider-Sprig/Olivia & Yunan • 8. Hollywood Hop Pop/If You Give a Frog a Cookie • 9. Froggy Little Christmas • 10. Escape to Amphibia • 11. Commander Anne/Sprivy • 12. Sasha's Angels/Olm Town Road • 13. Mother of Olms/Grime's Pupil • 14. The Root of Evil/The Core & The King • 15. Newts in Tights/Fight or Flight • 16. The Three Armies/The Beginning of the End • 17. All In • 18. The Hardest Thing