The abandoned factories, also known as the Ruins of Despair, are dome-shaped factories located outside Frog Valley, in Amphibia. The factories have the capability to produce automations such as robots known as Frobots when received the signal from Newtopia Castle now powered by the Calamity Box. It is later revealed that they're capable of flight and can fire a powerful energy beam from below.
Though appearing quite minuscule from its above exterior, much of the factory is located underground leading from the top entrance, a set of bronze metal gates. The top dome is in the shape of a frog with two windows set above the doors resembling eyes. There is a steep passage which leads to the main factory assembly line, which consists of a main electronic panel used for controlling the production via various buttons, switches, and a CD drive. When used incorrectly, the panel goes into "assault mode" and activates a buzz saw. Behind glass panels surrounding the panel is the assembly line itself, which contains many robotic arms and a metal conveyor belt. A lever located above the main panel is used to activate the factory.
During the glory days of Newtopia, the factories were used to create Frobots to serve King Andrias' father King Aldrich, but after Leif stole the Calamity Box, the robots and the factories were abandoned and shut down for around 1000 years.[1]
According to Hop Pop, they existed long before the creation of the Valley and have remained untouched since then. When a factory was activated by Sprig in the episode "Fort in the Road", automatic production of a robot frog began, with one being finished just before the factory collapsed when the main panel went out of control. The robot frog that would become known as Frobo kept on following the Plantars and Anne to Newtopia.[2]
When the Calamity Box was placed down onto an activation platform, all the factories reactivated, creating new upgraded models of the predecessor Frog-Bot (which Frobo was based on), and sent them all towards the flying Newtopia Castle.[1] The factories were later launched as part of the planned invasion of Earth along with the castle and the Frobots.[3]
Nine months after Anne destroyed the Core, all factories were presumably deactivated and shut down again as the land recovered and flourished, with Andrias, Bartley, Branson, and Blair serving their prison sentence of doing community service.[4]
- The abandoned factories structures shown in the background of "Wally and Anne" are revealed to construct robots, with Frobo being finished just before its factory explodes.
- Polly is the only Plantar who didn't get to enter the factory due to being forbidden by Hop Pop and going to do tricks with Bessie and the Fwagon.
- In Reddit, Matt Braly stated that Wartwood Swamp is over 1000 years old. In theory, that means the abandoned factories were created way before said town as Frog Valley was created.
- This was confirmed in "All In", where Leif along with other frogs create Wartwood around 1000 years ago, and by the Frobots' presence in Newtopia in "The Core & The King", it's very clear the factories already existed in that time.
- In the original storyboards of "The Hardest Thing", there were some scenes made that didn't make the final cut and so they didn't appear (or were changed) in the actual episode. In the last scene when the factories appear, it is shown that they are actually decayed and that the Giant Weasel from the episode "Snow Day" had made a nest in an eye in one of them.
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 Michele Cavin, Jenava Mie (writers) and Kyler Spears, Jenn Strickland (directors) (May 24, 2021). "True Colors". Amphibia. Season 2. Episode 20. Disney Channel.
- ↑ Todd McClintock (writer) and Joe Johnston (director) (July 11, 2020). "Fort in the Road". Amphibia. Season 2. Episode 1B. Disney Channel.
- ↑ Adam Colás (writer) and Jenn Strickland (director) (April 30, 2022). "The Beginning of the End". Amphibia. Season 3. Episode 16B. Disney Channel.
- ↑ Adam Colás, Todd McClintock (writers) and Roxann Cole, Joe Johnston (directors) (May 14, 2022). "The Hardest Thing". Amphibia. Season 3. Episode 18. Disney Channel.