Amphibia Wiki

The "BFFs" photo is a recurring object in Amphibia. The original photo first appeared in "Best Fronds", and the retake only appeared in the credits sequence for the series finale "The Hardest Thing".


The original photo depicts, from left, a young Anne, Sasha, and Marcy in their school uniforms outside Saint James Middle School. Anne is shown with closed eyes and an oversized grin, with her right hand in the form of a peace sign and her left around Sasha's waist. Sasha is also depicted with a smile, though fainter than Anne's, and has both hands on Anne and Marcy's shoulders. Marcy sports a closed smile, with her right arm in her hoodie's pocket. The photo has a small tear right above Marcy's head.

The retake depicts, from left, 23-year-old Marcy, Anne, and Sasha outside the Aquarium of the Pacific in their epilogue attire. The three are seen blushing, with both Marcy and Sasha interlocking their hands with those of Anne. In contrast to Sasha and Marcy's closed smiles, Anne sports a slight open smile. The tear on the original photo is not present.



  • The original photo contains many details that may be metaphorical flaws in the trio's original relationship:
    • Anne has her left arm around Sasha and has her eyes closed, referencing her blindness to Sasha's manipulation and Marcy's inconsideration.
    • Sasha is in the center with her hands on Anne and Marcy's shoulders, representing her desire to control the latter two.
    • Marcy retracts her right arm into her hoodie, possibly to reference Marcy feeling disconnected from Anne and Sasha.
    • The tear on the photo symbolizes the trio's status as a flawed friend group.
  • At least four copies of the photo have been made:
    • Anne had at least two: one in her backpack[2][3][4] and another in her school locker.[1]
    • Like Anne, Sasha also carried a copy with her.[5][6]
    • A fourth photo is shown stuck between a tree branch in the Season 1 opening sequence. This could be either Marcy's copy or a visual metaphor of Anne's friendship with Sasha and Marcy being an important element in the first season.
      • Marcy is later shown with a copy of the photo in the Core's mindscape in "All In".
  • In the Next Time On reel, the photo only had Sasha and Marcy on it, and a mall is in the background of the photo.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Gloria Shen, Jenava Mie, Michele Cavin (writers) and Roxann Cole, Joe Johnston, Jenn Strickland (directors) (May 7, 2022). "All In". Amphibia. Season 3. Episode 17. Disney Channel.
  2. Matt Braly, Jack Ferraiolo (writers) and Derek Kirk Kim (director) (June 17, 2019). "Best Fronds". Amphibia. Season 1. Episode 1B. Disney Channel.
  3. Adam Colás (writer) and Kyler Spears (director) (July 11, 2020). "Handy Anne". Amphibia. Season 2. Episode 1A. Disney Channel.
  4. Matt Braly, Adam Colás (writers) and Joe Johnston, Jenn Strickland (directors) (August 15, 2020). "Marcy at the Gates". Amphibia. Season 2. Episode 6. Disney Channel.
  5. Matt Braly, Jack Ferraiolo (writers) and Bert Youn (director) (July 2, 2019). "Prison Break". Amphibia. Season 1. Episode 10B. Disney Channel.
  6. Michele Cavin (writer) and Joe Johnston (director) (August 1, 2020). "Toadcatcher". Amphibia. Season 2. Episode 4B. Disney Channel.
ve Objects
Weapons Anne's racketSprig's slingshotDorisMantis ScytheSasha's heron swordsKing Andrias' laser swordMarcy's crossbowBarrel's WarhammerLaser scytheTritonio's ancestral swordEuropean Flail
Technology Anne's phoneSasha's phoneMarcy's phoneSkip ManInterdimensional portalNewtopia CastleNewtopian CrownFrobotMind-controlling collarDyoplosaurusFrakes Field Watch
Books Hop Pop's Road RulesMarcy's journalDr. P's Extraordinary Guide To Magic & MysteryIn the Heat of the SwampCynthia CovenSo, You're a Failed ActorBeasts of Amphibia
Artifacts Calamity BoxFrog VasePlantar caneTiger Moth's Eye
Food Amphibia Bug RoastArroy Arroy Fish SauceAvocadoBasilBeetle JerkyBlue Moon BerriesCheeseCheesy FliesChocopede PancakeDung Beetle SconesExtra SpicyMaggot LarbPain PeppersSal's Famous SauceScream BeanSlug GruelSlumberdoodleSlumberdoodle CookiesSquid And Basil SpecialSwamp Mold Pot PieTomatoVolcakenoWebby Candy
Drinks Beau-TeaBlam Berry BlitzBog GrogGourd TeaSwamp Slushy
Other Anne's penAnne's shoe"BFFs" photoCalamity GemsCopperGrime's harpRoyal Credit CardSprig's fiddle
