26 Votes in Poll
to all the Amphibians from Amphibia. 🐸
This character for me seems like Ivy XD.
Yeh yeh this chapter isn't done yet :p
Mostly bc I have school so I cant finish quickly
I told you it would be relevant
First part:
A soft groan next to Wynter made her spin around, only to see her twin. “Oh my stars, Iris! Are you okay?” She ran over to help her sister up and out of the mud.
“If being cold and covered with mud is ‘okay’ then yeah,” Iris grumbled as she wiped the wet earth from her arms and legs. Wynter helped get the mud off her sister’s carapace with the favor being returned for her own spiky shell.
“At least Vyn wasn’t included, right?” Wynter said with a small chuckle as she made sure she was clean to her liking. Iris nodded quietly as she looked around. “I don’t think we’re in Kansas anymore,” she mumbled, noticing how large the plants were. Some dragonflies were flitting around a few lily pads, seeming to be a normal size until she approached them. Not only were the bugs massive but so were the plants. A log was nearby and fairly footprints (if they could be called that) told that the space was recently used. Mud was smeared everywhere as if a fight had occurred, though no blood anywhere was a good sign.
“Hey, Wynter, what would you do if there was a bright teal frog, say, I dunno, about 4 feet tall, hiding in the bushes?”
“A what now?”
It turned out, there was a frog in the bush. But it wasn’t a normal frog- then again, what here was normal? It was anthropomorphic and, as far as the siblings could see, fairly brave. Even if it was looking up at them with obvious fear and trembling, it was kind of holding its ground. The twins shared a look before the frog talked.
“I ain’t afraid of ya, if that’s what you’re thinking!” The frog looked very unconvincing.
“We aren’t going to hurt you. Unless given a reason,” Wynter says with a shrug. That helped the frog calm down a bit.
“Oh. Alright then. Well, my name’s Wally, and I’m this here town’s vagrant(?)” he said, waving his hand behind him.
“Uh, what town?” Wally seemed to realize that they were in fact in a muddy clearing rather than a town.
“Right. Allow me to show you.” He led the wary turtles a short way into the forest (or out of it should I say) and into a small town. The shops and houses were made out of stone and wood and there was a statue in the middle of the town. A fountain sat in the middle of a ring of shops and a giant stump-turned-home sat toward the outskirts of the town. A few frogs stopped and studied the turtles before skuttling away.
“So this is your town? It’s a pretty cute one,” Iris noted.
“Uh, technically it’s not my town, but yes, it’s where I live.” The frog made a motion as if tipping a hat. “Well, I’m off.” He hopped away, only to be replaced with a giant toad with rings on his fingers and a very fancy outfit. A much smaller frog followed after him.
“Welcome, my friends. What brings you to this\ here lovely town?” the toad asked.
“Apparently Wally does,” Wynter said without thinking. Iris elbowed her and she quickly fixed her answer. “We’re not totally sure.”
The toad chuckled. “Happens to everybody. I’m Mayor Toadstool and this is my assistant, Toadie.” The small frog waved nervously, looking up at the much larger figures.
“I’m Wynter and this is Iris,” Wynter said motioning to herself and her sister. “Could you tell us where exactly we are?”
“You’ve landed yourself in Wartwood of course! In Frog Valley,” he expanded upon seeing the turtles’ confused looks. Toadstool studied them for a moment. “What exactly are you two anyway? Don’t look like any Amphibian’s I’ve seen.”
“We’re actually turtles. We’re reptiles,” Iris butted in. The paint looked to the map and back at the toad-and-frog duo. They we whispering to each other and Toadstool exhaled softly.
“We may have somebody who can help you,” he says, shooing away Toadie. The frog quickly complied and headed to the stump-house. “She-” He was cut off by a sudden shout of “AMBUSH ATTACK” and a teal frog crashing into Wynter’s leg.
“Sorry about that, ma’am,” she said as she picked herself up. “I missed my target.” The frog rubbed her head and looked up at the turtles. “HOLY MOTHER OF OLM!” she yelped before covering her mouth. “You guys look so cool!”
“Now, now, Blossom. Let’s give them some space, shall we?” Toadstool attempted to calm the energized frog. It worked. To a certain level. She backed up a pace or two and admired the turtles’ build.
“Anne Boonchuy, for you sir!” Toadied reappeared with- surprisingly- a human girl. She was Thai-American, most likely, and around thirteen. A pink frog was riding on her very puffy hair.
“Hey Toadstool, Toadie said you needed-“ She paused as she caught sight of the twins. “Hoopa-da-boopa!” She smacked her forehead.
“Whoa-ho!” The frog jumped off of his human companion and hopped over to the tiny group.
“I know right?!” Blossom agreed excitedly. She and the pink frog began chatting with more energy than anyone could’ve gotten. Except Mikey, Wynter thought sadly. Oh right.
“Er- Yes, I do need you, Boonchuy. These here are Wynter and Iris. They call themselves turtles,” Toadstool informed the human.
“Oh yeah. I bet Marcy would know something about them,” she said as she pulled out her phone. How did she have a working phone in a swamp?
“Uhh, who’s Marcy?” Wynter asked.
“How the shell do you have a working phone?” Iris asked, voicing the question inside Wynter.
“Oh uh. Long story, not so long story,” Anne said, pointing to Iris and then Wynter. “Marcy’s one of my friends. I just saw her like a week ago. And she’s a nerd. A super clumsy nerd.”
“Donnie would like her I bet,” Wynter mumbled to Iris. The latter snorted and Wynter achieved her daily goal.
“Donnie?” the pink frog asked, stopping his conversation with the teal.
“You wouldn’t get it.” Wynter waved her hand dismissively. “Anyway, do you guys have any idea on how interdimensional travel works? Cause we sorta have a problem going on.”
“Interdimensional travel you say?” The human thinks for a second. “I think I can help a little. Sprig!”
Also I feel like someone's gonna be off
ALSO also Blossom is my own character though I don't think I ever gave info about her...
So I noticed in the fishing episode in season one that HP and Sylvia sundew are dating, Sylvia is the grandmother of ivy sundew, sprigs girlfriend, so, there is some problems, le fact that ivy and here grandmother are dating the same family means incestry soo… I know that frogs can I breed, but in that socity of wartwood, I don’t believe incest is ok
There is incest between the sundew and plantar family’s with gen z and 2 gens back
Almost a month ago I made a post about a theory that was going around, and today, I want to add one more layer to it.
I think the comment that this guy left me in the post makes sense; But, remembering some characteristics of the character, it could also be because Wally must drink from time to time, which could make him forget other things.
Or something more illogical, it would be that if he was with Felicia, they broke up, (if he found out) he didn't want to tell his father about the situation. And that's where the Wally we know comes from.
Still, you can comment (with respect, obviously) on this theory.
As I said in the post: For me, it's 60% false and 40% possible.
What do you think?
What do you think of the theory that Wally is the father of Ivy Sundew?
I think it could have grounds, but I think that due to their different personalities it would not be so logical.
But what did happen, is that Ivy winked at her father in Ivy on the Run, and in Sprivy she winked at him when her father (Ribbiton) showed up for the rebellion's supplies.
For me, it's 60% false and 40% possible.
What do you think?
(I know some of these “edits” are really bad but I did not just wanna have words okay)
Also these are all headcannons and not cannon so I didn’t add people like bi Sasha, or non-binary Terri, etc.
Comment your headcannons! I’d love to hear them!
Withoutht further-ado here it is:
Anne is p-Anne
Ivy is non binary and bi
Older Polly is genderqueer
Marcy has ADHD and is a lesbian
The episode starts with a title screen with the words “ amphibia“and it cuts to sprig sitting in a chair writing and drawing in his book about the core and finishes it Sprig says “I miss Anne” before ivy says “AMBUSH!” And ambushes him and it changes to Anne who is all grown up pulling out her new phone (WIP)
Pictures :
My current collection of Amphibia plushies.