Hello hello helloooooooooo! And welcome back!
I’m so happy to have made it this far. 😃
Welcome to the latest installment of the Randomness threads!
This is our first Summer thread! 🌸
I sure have a lot of images to spew out for this one! And, one again, I shall be featuring some people’s phases.That way, folks will feel more included. Be sure to scroll through the images, cause you just might get surprised by a media you like! Now, let’s launch this chicken into space, shall we? (if you got the reference, hooray for you!)
(A Sonic Mania image because Starry likes it)
(Kevin McCormick because Peril likes him)
(Jenny Wakeman, cause my sis Ally likes her! 😄)
(Scarface, a rapper I like)
(another for Peril)
(more for Ally)
They are bestis 💚💙
(Haven’t reached this episode yet but I probably will soon so I’m just puttin it here)
(I will reach this one soonest)
(He’s so cute 🥹 I really need to watch the new eps)
(I just got the idea of drawing Baby Ice Bear in my style)
Alright, now enjoy! Let’s have some crazy fun on this thread! ❤️💙💚🧡💛
Pings: @Umbra of Emberspike @DuchIsYourRuler @PursuitOfPeril @AbsolutelyAri1 @FurretSquadAndTheMob @Starrythefryingpanman @Robinbuckleyfrog @AndriasLeifBarrel @Ieatcheesealot @Coolmqnlklaoskaoak @Fishnastia34 @Qbtmbhj1 @Moonshadow191 @Marcy Wu uwu number 2 @Tooning In @Tysontoy @JackClarkStudios